『going home 』

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Aqua went in the room and saw akane was struggling to get up . He rushed to her .

Akane don't move around too much , he scolded her .

Ouch ! Sorry I want to get up , he replied. 

Where is it hurting ? Let me help you ? He asked her .

It's fine , help me get up - she asked for his help .

Okey , he helped her get up and sit .

Hey akane !! Ruby came in the room .

Hey ruby , she smiled at ruby .

Are you hurt ? Why did you do that ? She asked akane .

Or else you brother would have got hurt , she replied with a smile .

I rather die than seeing you get hurt okey ? Aqua confirmed her .

Nah ! She replied. 

Well brother haruko tamiki said you to call him - ruby told her brother .

Who is that ? Akane asked .

Oh that's the police officer that was there to save you . He is save as our age , he explained.

Akane nodded.

Wait ruby you have his number ? Aqua looked at her with a death glare .

Well he gave because we might need help hehe , she replied. 

Uh uh , no way your staying away from that guy . He warned ruby .

But brother ....

No , He disagreed.

Fine , she replied and start to talk to akane .

[ Few days later ]

I am finally going home - akane said as she headed out .

Aqua was filling up her discharge paper . And talked to doctor .

Ruby was helping akane .

[ at home ]

Ah it feels good to be home again , akane smiled .

Yea we are glad your back , the twin replied. 

*door bell*

I going to get that , ruby went and opened the door .
She opened the door and saw haruko .

Oh haruko , she looked surprised.

Hey ruby is your brother home ? He asked .

Yes . She replied.  I will go get him .

Aqua - haruko tamiki is here .

Huh ? OK I am coming .

[ Later]

So ? Aqua asked .

How is your wife ? He asked ..

She is doing well - he replied. 

Well go to hear . And I wanted to talk about something .

Yes ?

Well I  worried about ruby's safety . Lately there has been a man who kept killing off girls . But not just any girls ..... he stayed quite for time .

Not just any girl ?? Aqua asked confused.

He has a weird obsession over eyes . Pretty eyes . So I was saying that ruby has unique eyes . Just like you and akane . But she is like a bright star. ...

Are you trying to ? Aqua looked angry

Look no ... I like ruby but I as a officer it's my duty for peoples safety . Since I trust you  I also wanted to say that i am an undercover spy too . So that's how I got more informed about that . Keep her safe .

Thank you for telling me , aqua replied .

Your welcome,  keep them safe I will help you .

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