『ruby hates herself 』

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Might be a bit self harm or like hate part - so I will give a small warning if you hate people hating them selves u might not like this chapter!


Ruby drove to sarina's house - and well she got out of her car and went in the house as the ring the bell sarina's mother opened the door .
The lady saw her and was happy to see that she came and let her in .

【 Ruby pov 】

This place didn't change a bit . It was just like what it was before she died ... her thoughts were tangled in her head until her phone buzzed . And at the moment she was infront of her room as she lady was showing her house around .

Uh excuse me I need to pick up this call .... I will be back in a moment , I said as she left the place and went outside .

Hello aqua ? I answered my phone .

Ruby where are you ? Haruko called me to know if you were okey and well you didn't come home for a week and you were with that guy I didn't get a chance to talk to you . now so I didn't know what to say so I just said I don't know - is everything alright? He asked .

Hm it's fine ig .... she replied in a slightly sad tone .

Where are you I am coming to pick you up - he said as I heard he grabbed his coat .

Aqua I came to sarinas moms house--- I said as I tried to stop him.

You went to your I mean sarinas old house ? Why ? He asked .

I just hate myself so much that I want to torture myself with this pain . I want to see this place again and remember those hurtful memories before I was reborn .

Ruby I am coming and don't do anything dumb ! He said as he stormed out of the house.

I didn't say anything but went in side house and I saw sarinas old stuffs and her room was destroyed. Her mom closed the door as soon I was trying to get in . And well I saw saw the glimpse of the room which I saw that . I asked about how she felt about her daughter well she chuckled and said " great thing that bi*ch is dead! " . I felt my heart crash . Ai hoshino even if my mom was young she loved us . Unlike this woman she hated her daughter even after death ... I replied to her that " its getting late I need to go back home " as I walked out .

Self harm warning !!

I drove to the river which was near here. I was drinking coke and I got so angry that I hit the glass bottle in my grill and well the glass broke in to small parts . I kicked out the glass of the road . I still had the big piece of glass . And I started to cut my palm with it . It hurted but it felt right . I stood by the railing and saw the blood drip . This woman never loved me or was I just never meant for love .

【 No one pov 】

Tears rolled down ruby's eyes . Her heart was broken . Her hands were bleeding as she began to cut more deep in the palms .

She didn't deserve Ai , hikaru , aito , haruko , aqua , akane nor their children or any friends . She deserved to die . Which she thought she did . She never understood how much she meant to people . But here she was crying herself out .

【 Haruko pov 】

I wanted to surprise ruby so I didn't tell her I was in japan . But she seemed sad so I called aqua and told him everything.  Well he told me that he is picking me up we are going to take ruby back home with us . And that she was upset about something .

Aqua and haruko went to that ladies house as that lady opened the door the two men asked her where ruby was .

Where is ruby ? They both asked .

" Well she left - I saw she went to that way " as she pointed to the river side .

Uh thank you , aqua thanked her and left .

Damn it where are you ruby ? Haruko thought.

That's her car aqua noticed as he pulled over to the parking lot . Haruko quickly went out and started to look for her as he saw her sitting in a bench. Aqua also saw her . They both ran to her and they noticed blood dripping from her hand as she was sobbing.

Ruby what is this ? Haruko said as he kneeled down beside her and held her hands .

Ruby are you crazy ! What were you doing ? Aqua said as he went to buy some bandages.

Ruby look at me , haruko said calmly .

Ruby looked at him with her teary eyes .

Why were you doing this ? He asked .

I don't deserve anything , she replies between her sobs .

He hugged her as his heart was beating fast . He felt a horror. What was she thinking? What did she do that ? What would've happened if they were a bit late ? He thought as he got goosebumps .

Aqua came in and bandages her palms as he told haruko to take her to their car .

But brother my car is still there - she said as she was in harukos arms .

Leave it there . We will pick it up later , He said as he was carrying her in a bridal style .

I am sorry .... she apologized to them .

For what ? Aqua asked as he looked at her thorough the looking mirror. ( forgot what it's called ) .

For this trouble- she replied as she looked down .

Haruko hugged her and pulled her in his chest as he stroked her hair . " It's fine " .

Yea its fine but from next time if you do this I will eat your leftover foods , aqua said jokingly.

Ok ok - she said as she laid back in harukos chest .

They went to the hospital to check up her palms . And later on went home .

Ai , akane and Hikaru were worried . Aqua called them and told everything and told them not to worry. Ai scolded ruby for a bit and Hikaru told her not to do these and if she needs help she might just talk to them . And well akane was relieved that they found her on time . And she waited till they were home .

[ finally they are home ]

Ruby ! Akane said as she ran up to her and saw her hands .
Why did you do that ? I was so worried! She cried out .

Ah sorry akane - you are probably tired but for me you all were disturbed and now tired .

Noooo ! I was worried for you ! I am not tired at all . And I had to put the babies in to sleep anyways - go get freshed and I will prepare food .

And later on they all ate and talked . And they told Ruby she is loved by everyone .


Authors note :

You are loved ! Even if there is no one who you thinks care about you I still care . I love everything about you guys . No one is perfect . You just be yourself . By this chapter I want to tell that a lot of people kill themselves and does self harms around the world . A lot of young and older people die because.  But don't do it . We all love you . Your worth everything. 

Love you - ♡

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