Love me again

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You left me
And took those memories with you

You were working at a cafe as a part timer. You were making an order when someone came in.

"Welcom-" you paused for a second seeing the person Infront of you. It was him."welcome to xxx cafe.What would you like to order?" You asked with a smile,that's what you had to do even if you don't feel like smiling.

"The usual" he said. "And what would be your usual again sir?" You asked acting like you don't know his usual order. Mikey's face dropped. Seeing you acting like a stranger.

I mean why wouldn't you? After all he's the one who left you. "Two dorayaki's please" he said with a faint smile. "Ok sir" you said and started packing his order.

While you did that Mikey kept looking at you. You have moved on and became a different person well not entirely different. And for that he blames himself.

"Your order is ready sir" you said and handed him the packet as he paid up. "Thank you" you said and went to work on other orders. But Mikey was standing there still. He missed your smile. How you used to get happy whenever he would visit where you work.

You looked behind you and saw him going out of the cafe and left with his bike. It was hard for you to act this way. You still loved him and you missed him a lot. You wished you both were together. Your heart broke with the mere thought of how he broke up with you.


"Why are you doing this Mikey? I know that you are worried about my safety but that doesn't mean that we have to break up" you said crying.

"No,you are weak, and I'm already burdened dealing with gang stuffs and I don't want to worry about you anymore" He said. "But I can be strong,I'm strong you can teach me how to protect myself and I can-" he didn't let you finish. "It's over" he said and left. Leaving you a broken mess.

He left you just like that. Mikey on the other hand after losing so many people in his life he didn't want to lose you too. He was surrounded by enemies all the time as his gang grew bigger. He was paranoid and he was constantly worried about you untill he couldn't take it anymore. And his dark impulse was getting worse. He didn't want to hurt you.

End of flashback

Fine,I will be honest with you
Put it all out there
I think about you all the time
Where you are,Who you are with

But he was wrong. He kept thinking about you. All those memories that you guys have shared. About what you are doing,whom you are with. He was lost without you and it's his fault.

He would pass by your house or your work place just to see your face. He would see you with your friends and how happy you were. He wasn't stalking you but he couldn't stop thinking about thinking about.

He even saw you with a guy and he assumed he was your boyfriend. His heart sank. But you looked happy. But little did he know how much you wanted him by your side.

I wish you would love me again
No,I don't want nobody else
I wish you could love me again

And he regretted a lot. He shouldn't have broke up with you and being that rude to you. He was broken. He was lost. He couldn't move on. No other girls felt like you. They can never be you.He just wished you would love him again. And so did you.

I know I took a break but after listening to V's new solo song I couldn't stop myself. It was too good. I'm in love with the song. So I had to write something😀Enjoy!😊

 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now