Date with you again

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You were the daughter of one of the richest man in Japan.You were studying business.

Growing up you didn't have a lot of friends because people would often get the wrong idea about you being a snob. But you were happy with what you had in your life and you were grateful for that. And you'd cope your loneliness by watching races.

But you had a date today.

He's not my boyfriend yet but I hope he likes me thought while getting yourself ready in a nice outfit.

You came to the place you were about to meet. It was a place which he has chose to go. You came in a bit early though. What can you even do after all it was your first date. It was a nice aesthetic cafe. Inside there were very few people and it was very calm which you liked. He has a good taste. You thought.

After a few minutes he came. You got up from your seat to greet him. "Hey!" You smiled. "Hey, sorry if I was a bit late my sister kept bugging me after she got to know that I have a date"he chuckled a bit. "It's fine. I was a bit early" you said laughing nervously as he gestured you to sit down.

There was an awkward silence. "You're looking beautiful" he said which broke the silence. You blushed as you looked at him. "Thanks. You look handsome in black" You replied. He was take back by that compliment I mean he gets a lot from his fans but yours made him blush. He didn't know why. 


After your cafe date you guys went to the amusement park. Mikey noticed how down to earth you were whatever he thought of you was wrong.

You had a huge crush on him. You had always loved to watch his game. You really liked him. Since you were rich you had an easy access to back stage where you met Mikey aka Sano Manjiro. You guys exchanged numbers but he has never texted or called you so you did.

But couple of days he ignored you and thought that you were a rich brat. He also had a misconception about you. When you met him you were very straight forward with your expensive gifts it's not like he can't buy those but he didn't like it. He thought that you were showing off your money.

So before you guys came on this date you promised him that you wouldn't do anything. You'd go where he takes you. And he was wrong. You were enjoying all of those rides you didn't mind any crowds. You didn't mind standing in the long lines,You didn't mind eating normal street foods rather you were loving every bit of it. t Mikey was kind of testing you.

He was seeing how fun loving you were,how much you love this stuffs since you had none to do this stuffs with. He took you to meet his friends. And seeing how humble and good you were to them it made his mind change completely.

He even thought if you were pretending but he would be a fool to think that. He was happy how quickly you became good friends with his friends.

You almost cried meeting them. "Hey are you ok? Why are you crying?" Mikey asked. "It's just that I have never had any friends and your friends were so nice to me that it made me emotional. Since I was a kid they would always ignore thinking I'm a rich brat and all these stuffs but they were so good to me" you said wiping your tears trying to smile.

Mikey felt guilty for how he treated you at first. "I'm sorry for how I judged you before knowing you" He said. "It's-Its fine Mikey you don't have to be sorry" you smiled at him.

"I want to go on more dates with you" Mikey said which made you surprised. "What?" You asked."Yes I would like to know you more. So would you go on a date with me again?" He asked you. "Yes absolutely. I would love to" You replied smiling happily. "Cute" he mumbled to himself when you did a little jump out of excitement.

Oh my God! I know I disappeared for so many days. I had my exams going on and I have board exams this year so I'm pretty busy studying and stuffs. I really missed all of you. I don't know what I wrote it was a sudden idea. Which I decided to upload cause I haven't uploaded anything for so many days. Also did you guys watches Aot new ep? It was mind blowing.

 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora