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"b/f/n let's go that cafe" you said to your friend as you guys were walking towards the cafe.

It was the weekend. After your stressful exams you have decided to go out a little bit to refresh your mind.

Even tho you were there to refresh to your mind,that one person was always on your mind. And before you can go inside that cafe you already knew he was there.

How? You recognized his bike. His bike was parked over in the parking area. You were walking up the stairs and you saw him. Through the glass door.

You have been waiting. Waiting for so many years to see him for once. Your heart was racing also you were anxious.

He was there with his friends. You opened the door and glanced at him and he was on his phone pretending he didn't see you. You did the same.

You then went and found a spot for you and your friend. You friend knew. You both pretend to not to know each other. Why would you guys even talk there's was nothing between you two.


You had a crush on Mikey since you were in 6th grade and you only told him via message. After he rejected you have never talked to him. You have never chased after him nothing but he acts like you were his ex. He has blocked you from every where.

He acts like you were nuisance to him and a problem. When you have never done anything.

You have cried a lot for him. He has hurt you a lot of times. After all he was your first love. You have never actually liked anyone apart from him


You ordered your drinks and soon after he left the place and part of you assumed he left because of you.

You wanted to scream at him that why he was acting this way? Why he was avoiding you as if he wants to get rid of you. You knew he had a girlfriend but you have never wanted to break their relation. You just wanted to stay connected with him when you have texted him after 3 years and he again blocked without even listening to you.

So now you have decided to act like he doesn't exist. You have understood that Mikey doesn't want you in his life. Even tho you didn't do anything wrong.

Coming home from that cafe you cried your eyes out. You started to question yourself that does your existence also bothers him?

But you were also happy that you have got to see him. It was a bittersweet feeling. It also made you wondered if he noticed you a little bit that how much you have changed or he probably didn't think anything at all.

Hey guys! What's up! I'm back. I know it's a very short one and this is also based on my life. So yeah😀 I couldn't think of anything else to write so I wrote my pathetic love life!

 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now