Asked out

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"Alright attention please" the host said caughting everyone's attention at the party that was going on. "Now that we all know about who our winner is!" People cheered on knowing who the winner was.

It was none other than the number 1 Racer in Japan Sano Manjiro aka Mikey. Mikey smiled and took a sip of his drink.

The host continued." I think we really should look at our today's sponsor of the race". The host paused and looked at you. You were sitting down at a chair near the bar counter drinking your juice.

Suddenly you realized the spotlight was on you. "It's Ms. Y/N/L/N" Now everyone's attention was on you. You hated the attention. You forced a smile. "We would like Y/N to say some words on stage" everyone cheered.

Sure you were one of the richest investor. You have made into the list. It was your first time sponsoring sports. Specially a young girl like you everyone wanted to know about you.

You came up on the stage. "This is really ridiculous" you chuckled
."But I'm glad hat I was able to sponsor today's show. In a new field. It was quite challenging but I'm happy that it worked out.Thank you" you smiled. Everyone clapped. You felt someone's eyes were on you.

"Now we like a business tycoon like you. You are truly an inspiration for all the young girls out there" The host complimented. You got nervous and shy at the same time but you just smiled at her. " I think you should say this to the star of the show today but Thank you" you said passing the mic to her.

"Yeah our No 1 Racer can't be forgotten,I mean we all know how talented he is and how handsome and captivating he could be right everyone?" The host winked and everyone in the room agreed with her.

While going to your spot so many people said hello to you and shaked your hand. But when you passed by Mikey you both had an eye contract for a good few seconds.

He was drinking and was surrounded by his friends you assumed. "Hey Y/N it's nice to meet you. I have heard a lot about you actually.I'm Mitsuya btw!" The silver haired guy said forwarding his hand to you for a handshake. You shook his hand. "You did? Thanks. I really like your designs" you said smiling.

You both were having a conversation still feeling a strong gaze on you. We're you purposely ignoring him? He left jealous.

You looked at Mikey as he was walking towards you. "Would you like to have a drink with me Ms.Y/N?" His voice made you startled a little bit. "Oh! Pretty smooth huh there Mikey?" Mitsuya remarked as he winked at Mikey leaving Mikey with an eye roll towards him as Mitsuya went to other friends.

You both looked at each other."Don't mind him,so what do you say?" He asked. You shook your head with a nervous laugh " I'm sorry but I don't drink" you replied nicely. "I see,then would you like go out from here? It's quite crowded" He asked. You were surprised. For a moment you didn't know how to answer back.

"It's fine if you don't want to. I know you might have felt weird since we have just met but I really wanted to get to know you since I have heard a lot about you. You are very impressive" He said and you just tried to process his words.

"No it's not like that. I was just surprised. I wouldn't mind to go with you I guess!" You said feeling a bit shy. Mikey smiled and you both went out.

He went near his bike. "Am I supposed to go on a bike with you?" You asked. "Why you don't want to? Don't worry! You won't fall after all you're riding with the no 1" he joked making you laugh. "Yeah you are right" you said hopped on his bike.

You didn't know where to support your hand. "You can hold me,I wouldn't bite" he said. "I never said that" you said back. "I just thought you might" you didn't say anything and put your hands around his waist. Your heart was beating fast so as his. "Hold tight,here we go!' he said as he started his bike.

The wind spring wind hit your face. It was quite late at night and the weather was perfect. You felt so peaceful. "Where are we going exactly?" You asked.

"You will see" he said and you nodded. You didn't want to ask anymore questions as you just wanted to melt in that moment. This bike ride was getting to you. You were feeling so relaxed. It has got you thinking how you are on a bike ride with Sano Manjiro aka Mikey the racer. You were kinda surprised by your actions as well. How quickly you just agreed.

"We have arrived" you got off from the bike. You were shocked to see the place. It was your secret place where you sometimes come to relax and having your alone time. "How do you know about this place?" You asked.

" I come here often you know when I need to get away from everything. You come here a lot too". He said making you even more surprised. "Not to be creepy but I have seen you around here a few times and since then I wanted to know about you but never got a chance" he said. You were shocked.

" But I have never seen you here" you said. "Maybe you didn't want to look for me" he  joked again. You chuckled and looked away shyly. "This place is amazing isn't it?" He asked as you both looked at the night view. "Yeah it is!" You replied back as he looked at you. He was thinking how pretty you were looking under the moon light.

"Y/N would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked. As you turned around with widened eyes. You have never thought never in a million years to be asked out like this. "I-"he cut you off"I know I know there's no rush. You can take your time" he said giving you a soft smile. You just felt  a million butterflies in your stomach. "Yes! I would love to"! Mikey was surprised by your answer. He smiled knowing that you have agreed.

Few minutes has passed and it was getting really late. Mikey and your phone rang. Draken called him and you got a call from your secretary. They were looking for you both.

"I think we should go back yeah?' he said as you both got on the bike and you guys were back at the party spot. You got off." We-we should exchange our numbers" you said." Shit I completely forgot. I was too nervous around you" it made you blush.

"We will see each other then" he said as you nodded in a yes.

Later that night you couldn't stop thinking about how he has known you and he has asked you out. It was crazy! You will always remember this night and you were really excited for your date.

This title sucks! Can't think of any. Anyone please suggest me a title😭Oh! I hope you guys liked this one! Please lmk in the comments😊!

 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now