56 (The end)

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A year later

"God, Karthi!" my husband reprimands while shaking his head as Karthikeyan, our son, pees on his lap.

"Give him, I will clean him," I urge but he doesn't oblige. Rather, he carries his son on his shoulder and enters the bathroom.

I sigh and lean against the pillow on my back as I shift my attention to the books. The first semester had gotten over a few months ago and I've passed all of it in the first attempt. And now the second-semester examination's notification had been published and the same would be conducted the next month.

Which is why, my husband who has entirely entered the role of teacher wouldn't let me keep the book down. The exception is the times when I have to feed my baby.

Our baby looks similar to his father but has derived my dusky skin tone. He is an adorable one that scarcely likes to be away from me. Throughout the daytime, I was playing with him, however, as soon as my husband returned from his school, he caught our baby in his hand and as Karthi and his dad have a love-hate relationship, he just peed on his lap to showcase his hatred for his father.

"You think I will give you to your mom If you pee on me? Huh?" I could heed my husband's words and I chuckle involuntarily. "Even If you poop on me, you still aren't going anywhere near your mom," as If understanding what his father had said so, Karthi starts to wail loudly.

The motherly urge in me had me quickly shuffling off the bed and walking over to the bathroom. The moment my baby catches a glimpse of me, he begins to weep harder than ever. "Who told you to come here Mayil!? Get back to studying!!" My husband commands sternly as he detects my presence. "But he is crying.." I usher, pouting sadly.

"I will handle him," he says conclusively.

Hesitantly, I walk back to the bed and sit there, feeling unsettled. He is a strict father. He loves his son to no limits but his hard demeanor wouldn't give it off.

A while later, he comes out of the bathroom with my baby whose lower body is neatly cleansed. He isn't crying anymore but is sucking his thumb, seemingly about to fall asleep.

"He appears to be hungry," I say, desperately wanting to hold my baby. "Hm.." He lends me my sweetie who opens his eyes wide when he senses me. His toothless mouth stretches as he smiles widely in joy. "Chellam (sweetheart)," I brush my nose with his and he giggles happily. His smile brings me immense glee.

"Mayil," I snap my head up to look at my husband. Dismissing his cold gaze, I again start to pour love to my baby.

In the meantime, my husband goes inside the bathroom to freshen up while I feed my baby milk and lull him to slumber. Then I place him softly onto the cradle and get back to studying.

But my breast doesn't stop leaking out milk which has me feeling exhausted. Just then, my husband exits the bathroom with a towel around his hips and gives me a pointed yet understanding look.

Well...it's not good to waste milk and he usually does the honor of suckling it till the flow pauses.

Jiffies later, as he dresses up in his casuals, he pulls me to the adjacent empty room. His eyes meet mine softly and I know he has gone back to his gentle mood. Not a strict father or teacher but my own Vetri sir who loves me dearly and handles me delicately.

"Does it hurt?" He asks he unzips the night gown's zip and takes out one of my bosoms from the undone bra. "Slightly..." I say as he presses his thumbs alongside the milk-stained nipple.

My lady part tingles as soon as he attaches his mouth to my nipple and suckles the milk. I lean my head back on the wall and clutch his hair tightly, trying to not lose my mind.

Shortly after a few minutes, he shifts his attention to my other breast and sucks on it, thrashing his tongue around the nipple and gulping the contents without fail...

It goes on until my breasts stop producing milk. "Ennanga," he licks atop of the nipple again and I shudder unwillingly.

"Let's get back to your studies," he states firmly but I grip his hand and shake my head. "We will, but just hug me once," he smiles warmly before embracing me. I lay my head on his chest with a sigh and listen to his hurried heartbeat.

"Why does it beat so fast?" I ask with a hint of surprise and humor. "Don't know...maybe it likes you," He speaks up, mellowly.

"Hm..." I hum, listening to his heartbeat which lends me a soothing sensation.

The end♥️

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