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The mathematics exam was very difficult. Though I learned the formulas, when I was about to apply them, I got confused. All in all, the examination was horrible. But there's a little hope that I would at least get pass marks...

That's all is enough for me at the moment. I can upgrade myself more in the future!

Anyways, the next day, I have science examination, which includes biology, chemistry, and physics. The former one is interesting and I quite like it. And the latter never fails to make me feel like a brainless person. Coming to Physics, it is just the same as mathematics but with a bit more theoretical portions.

With a distasteful expression, I open the chemistry textbook. I certainly felt my soul fleeing away from my body at the various unknown symbols and words. I need Vetri sir right now. Looking up at his desk, I frown at the girl standing close to him. Of course, it was Hema.

She is staring at him so intently that If she was given a chance, she would not hesitate before eating him. But before that, I would throw her away though.

"Sir, I have a doubt!" I raise my hands and catch his attention. "Wait," he utters calmly and I nod my head like a obedient girl. Quickly, sir solves the doubt of Hema and signals me to come by.

As I reach him, I place the chemistry textbook and rough book on the desk.
"What's your doubt?" He asks, professionally. "This whole subject of chemistry," he lends me a deadpan glance while I just blink at him.

"I will teach this after 8 pm, now you get back to your seat and learn biology or Physics," he says as he closes my textbook. "But sir, I have so many doubts regarding Physics as well," he sighs and shakes his head.

"Then study biology?" He quirks his eyebrows and I nod silently before grabbing my books and settling in my seat.

We only have two chapters as portions for the biology exam this time, thus, I put all my interest into it and efficiently learned.

However, at the end of the class, when Vetri sir queries, I stutter a few times, which earned me a sharp beat on my palm. By the way, he had hit me, no person in this world would even think that he is in love with me.

Presently, I'm the only one perched in the classroom after every student has evacuated. Vetri sir closes the attendance book, and then approaches me, his features softening a little. He acts too hard when he is acting in the role of a teacher.

Nonchalantly, he settles on my side and drags the chemistry textbook and rough book. "Sir..." He gazes at me questioningly. "Please turn off your teacher mode," I fold my hands and plead with him. He just keeps on looking at me and then...smiles.

"Good," I pinch both of his cheeks and pat them. Withdrawing my hands, I stare dubiously at him as he distinctly peers at me...

It's not the dazed manner as before but something much stronger.

"Er...Vetri sir..." I reluctantly call him, not being able to bare his intense look. "Never touch me like that again," he says in a warning tone while I just glance at him in confusion.

"Why not sir?" I furrow my eyebrows, quizzing him curiously. "You don't need to know the reason. Just obey my words," I pout at his curt tone but don't query further.

For the next one hour, Sir taught me Chemistry and Physics. I understood it to a moderate level but he told me to revise it again when I reach home.

And just like that, now I'm descending the stairs of his home with him trailing behind me. His mother was in the kitchen, I gathered it by the noise of utensils being moved. "Walk safely to your home," I nod and exit his home, cloaking on my slippers and preparing to flee away.

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