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In all my six years of experience, no student had ever dared to do something as mischievous as this. But this girl had the guts, even after acquiring two severe hits from me. I'm in complete disbelief and resentment as I watch her admit her wrongdoing and stroll to the front under my order.

She pauses a decent distance away from where I'm standing, with her head stooped down in fright. Then she steals glances at me by skimming her eyeballs to the top of her sclera but diverts her gaze when I glower back at her.

"When did you do this?" I ask, not understanding how she was able to exhibit the plan. "I sneaked into your home," all the students gasp at her words while I shake my head, taken aback.

"You did what..." I doubt again, not believing her wholly. "I sneaked into your house. Your mom was napping hence she didn't notice me," If my mom ever gets to know this, she would not want such a girl to be present in the tuition. But I will spare her this time.

Even so, she deserves good retribution to rectify her impish acts.
"Extend your knuckles Mayil!" I command in an authoritative voice and she reluctantly forwards her hands, tilted to its backside.

"Would you do this again?" I inquire seriously and instead of replying immediately, she seems to get thoughtful. If she is bold enough to do something as nasty as this again, then I have no option but to throw her out of my tuition.

"No sir. I would not repeat this again." It's obvious that she hasn't regretted her actions. And by the way she has emphasized the word 'this', I acknowledged that she would attempt to fool around again, but with another vicious plan.

I have to handle her carefully.

To not break her knuckles, I reduce my strength a bit and beat on her back of the palm, of both hands. Considering by the pain and wrath that crossed her face after the effect, it was crystal clear that she wouldn't leave this here...

But rather would definitely try to get back at me again.

"Students, start studying," I utter to the gaping students and re-focus my attention on Mayil. "Narrate the tale of the selfish giant," I mutter strictly, while she looks up into my eyes, with shimmering confidence.

"The giant had a beautiful garden where children use to play without the knowledge of the giant. One day, when the giant returned to his garden and saw the children playing in the garden..." She continues to decipher the story properly, without blunders. But it's not enough that she has comprehended it in Tamil. What's very important is that she should have the ability to translate it into English as the subject is of the same.

Also, the fact that she has failed four times is shocking me now. She isn't poor in studies...but just extremely sluggish and lazy.

"The moral of the story is, don't be selfish, rude, and egoistical." She presses the last three words and I smile inwardly at her cheekiness.


"Now go and kneel, and learn the glossaries of the lesson," fury flashes at her countenance but she prevents it from taking over her and quickly obeys my words.

I watch her calmly as she walks to the corner, her long braid moving with her movements. Snatching her English textbook from her bag, she kneels and hides her face behind the unfolded book.

"You only have fifteen minutes to by heart the glossaries," I say to her, loud enough for her to listen. "Okay sir," she says with temerity, stunning the other students for a second.

"Back to studying!" I rapidly avert their concentration to the books.

Sighing, I exit the room and went to check on the adjacent room where the male students pretends like they are studying while in reality, they have just taken notice of their books when they had sensed me enter the room. After asking them questions, I give them the punishment and let them kneel. Only a few boys had learned without messing around.

Henceforth, I shuffle to the lounge and ask queries to the kids. Most of them answered correctly, and even If they would commit a mistake, I would beat them lightly. After all, they are just kids.

Once again, I start the rounds and intrude into the girl's classroom to check in on them.

Especially on Mayil who is most likely to act repulsive to my words.

As anticipated, once I examine the room, I get a glimpse of Mayil whose back was leaned against the corner wall. She is still in the same kneeling position, but a bit lowered and is comfortably slumbering with the book dangling on her lap.

The other girls sneak up at me, scared for Mayil, and the girl beside her, pokes on her arms, urging her to wake up. Upon distraction, Mayil whines and swats the girl's hand away, proceeding to sleep, serenely.

The girl who tried to help her, becomes agitated and embarks to mind her own business.

Sighing, I make my way toward Mayil and squat to her level. "Mayil," I call her sternly, slightly hitting the stick to her arm. "Let me sleep please," she moves the stick out of her skin and continues dozing off.

"If you don't wake up now, I'm going to dump a pot full of water on your head,!" She shrieks and roses at my booming voice.

"Don't you sleep at night?" I ask, genuinely concerned. Blinking slowly, she answers, "I do. But it's not enough sir." I flick my fingers on her forehead and she hisses.

"Stop dawdling and study. This is your final warning," she nods her head, up and down, and inattentively drags her book up to her face.

"Place your book on the lap." She obliges and does the same.

For the rest of the class, surprisingly, she doesn't fall asleep. Once the time ends, all the students leave after I pen down their presence and the last was Mayil.

As I mark her present, she rushes out of the class, probably to reach her home and sleep again!



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