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The raindrops graze the earth so loudly and appealingly that the students could hardly focus on what I'm teaching. With the atmosphere being altered to a shade of murkiness, the students begin to cheer and scream in glee. I let them be, as the entire school is now filled with the same delighted noises.

Minutes later, every one of them dashes out of the class and stands in the corridors, relishing the heavy pouring. I join them as well, towering behind the teens, and drinking in the breathtaking scenario.

But then, the scene became even more eye-catching when my Mayil landed on the ground along with a few of her classmates. They all commenced to dance in the rain, and other students collaborate with them as well. However, my gaze is adhered to my peacock...

She has a huge smile on her countenance as she twirls with her green saree's dangling part twisted onto her hands. My lips tug up unknowingly while watching her happy self.

Snapping me out of my reverie, the bell rings, and the students quickly rush out of the school. Giving a quick glance to Mayil, I decided to keep my things in the staffroom itself hence it wouldn't get drenched from the rain while I would travel to my home on the bike.

During the drive, I notice the students running to their respective houses in a hurry. But Mayil says something to Jayanthi and her group of friends and takes off in a different direction from where her aunt's house is located. Where was she going!?

Without a second thought, I follow her running frame amidst the harsh downpour. A few moments later, we attain the playground and I hop down from my bike as Mayil strides into the forest situated to the side.

I'm pretty sure she has noted my presence and probably is fooling around with me now. Ruffling my wet hair, I step on the path she has strolled in.

"Mayil," I call once I attain the inside of the vegetation, where small shrubs to callous trees are showering in nature's fall. "Sir," I could heed her voice but she isn't anywhere within my sight. Huh? How can she sound so near when she isn't close??

"Vetri sir! Here! Look up!" Tilting my head, I obey her words and was beyond stunned to see her sitting on one of the branches of mango trees.

"What are you doing up there?" I yell, still coming to terms with the fact that she is a long way up from the ground.

"Just seeing you," she grins as she replies. "Come down, Mayil! What If the branch breaks? You are going to hurt yourself badly," I say with utmost concern whereas she just pouts before climbing down to the branch lower to the one she was previously perched on.

"Would you catch me If I fall, sir?" She queries with a mischievous glint in her eyes and before I can warn her, she jumps down. The distance between the ground and the branch she jolted from isn't very far, hence why it became a bit easier for me to swiftly grab her in a safe position.

Nevertheless, due to the muddy ground, my footing slipped and I plummet back onto the shrubs with Mayil securely clutched to me.

"Sir, are you okay!?" Mayil's worried tone enters my ear as I straighten my head and focus my view on her soaked self. Her face is right above mine, with her wet lips inches away from touching my brims...

"Sir!" I blink, getting my consciousness back and glaring at her for her irrational action of falling on top of me from the branch. "What in the world do you think you were doing!? What would have happened If I didn't catch you?" Though I'm definite she wouldn't have gotten injured much, I can't help but feel resentful towards her for pulling such stunts.

"I know you would catch me..." Frowning at her cheesy words, I open my mouth to berate her again but words stuck in my throat as I look down at us...

Her bosoms are pressed against my chest and her saree has been misplaced in the ruckus she made, which in turn is now providing me a sensual sight of her cleavage. I rapidly avert my eyes before I do something I would regret later.

Meanwhile, Mayil trails the direction my gaze had been stuck in and perks up at me, a little flustered after she finds where I was looking at her.

"I don't understand why you get so attracted to my private spot," she mumbles, her hands wrapping around the back of my neck. I tighten my hold on her hips as I respond lowly. "That's human nature Mayil. Males get attracted to a female's body...especially the ones they love, and vice verse as well. And there's some who love the body first and heart next. It's rather harsh, but its the truth." she scrunches her face up, repulsively.

"That's weird. And sir...I don't still believe there's anything fascinating regarding my body... " I smile at her innocuous expression. "You don't know yet...and you don't have to until the right time comes by," she watches me with complete perplexion but still nods her head.

"How long are we going to stay like this Mayil?" I ask teasingly, tracing my hands inside her bare waist and gripping the sides.

"The longer you want sir," she whispers and we both smile softly at each other. Briskly, I flip our position and Mayil ends up beneath me.

Her messed up self gets me too tempted but I control those wild hormones, and instead, help my Mayil in re-locating her saree in the right place.

Firstly, I pinch the saree's rim that's been revealing her blouse-clad bosom and cover the same cautiously. But no matter how careful I was to not touch her inappropriately, Mayil could feel it...

There's a reason why her eyes are closed tight and her lower lip is bitten by her teeth.

Consequently, I wander my hands lower and adjust her saree over her waist, concealing the delicate skin behind the saturated clothe.

And then I just look at the girl laying under me who is beautiful in every sense...

Gulping, I stare at her body being hit mercilessly by the raindrops. Her eyelids slightly divide as she sees me expectantly. The invitation is too hard to ignore but I know my boundaries.

Yet...one kiss won't hurt, right?

Lowering myself to her now freed lips, I brush a feather kiss there. Mayil shudders instantly while I felt my chest explode with a wide range of emotions.

One more kiss wouldn't do any harm either, right?

And I descend without wasting a second and kiss her lips, roughly this time. Mayil responds with a  whimper and grips onto my shoulder rigidly.

Her lips are so soft...so addictive...so kissable. The moment I start moving my lips with hers, Mayil attempts to copy my action and kiss me back.

Her cooperation made it way too much better and I could scarcely get hold of myself anymore!

Like two humans who are out of touch with this world, we both kiss each other frantically until Mayil breaks it to inhale oxygen.

"We should go now," I squeeze her waist, not wanting to say those words but having no other options either. My friend has become active under my trousers and it's only going to get worse If I continue being intimate with Mayil.

"Okay sir..." she nods shakily, her view flickering between my lips and eyes.


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