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Something is wrong with Mayil. She is not in her usual self. I have observed it at the tuition class on the last day.

I had even enquired her about the cause, but she was stubborn to share the real reason behind her sorrowful mood and convinced me with some irrelevant things. I mean, why would she suddenly feel inferior to the other students? It can't be true unless someone had certainly hurt her using her academic ability...

I agree that she isn't a bright student now, but with good guidance, she will definitely develop herself. She has that potential, all she has to do is just resist being a sloth and actively involve herself in learning.

Anyways, I don't think the problem Mayil is undergoing now is simple. If yes, she would have been back to her normal self but she was more horrible than the past day. The image of her sclera being pink is still lurking in my mind.

I immediately wanted to check in on her but as it was school time, I prevented myself from rushing to her. And I tried to convince myself that I would be reacting the same way If this happened to any other students. Sure, I would be concerned and would try my best to help he/her but when it comes to Mayil, the case is totally different.

Her dull mood affects me as well and I couldn't sit back relaxed when she is sinking in despair...

Yet I don't want to accept that she is special to me. I will withhold my principles the best I could.

Presently, as the tuition time begins, I impatiently wait for Mayil. Students start to puddle up inside the room but Mayil doesn't arrive. I await her presence for another fifteen minutes and when she doesn't show up, I conclude that she wouldn't come anymore.

Logically, I shouldn't be caring much about it but I couldn't help but feel hurt by her absence.

Is she alright? Was she crying again? Would she come to school tomorrow? I was going nuts without knowing about her whereabouts. In the end, I couldn't even sleep peacefully.

The next day, when I arrive at the school, I wanted to look for Mayil in her class, but sadly enough, the principal of the school called me and discussed with me about the upcoming 'sports day'. He wanted me to be in charge of the whole ordeal and I accepted without any reluctance. For the past four years, I've been given the same post.

As soon as I excuse myself and exit the Principal cabinet, I stroll towards the 10th-grade classroom. The bell that indicates the end of the first-hour rings just as I attain my destination. They have English in the second period.

Greeting the mathematics teacher who leaves the 10th-grade class, I peek into the classroom from the entrance. Mayil and Harini, both of them aren't there in the second row, but their bags are sprawled on the bench. The realization that Mayil has come to school induces relief to flood through me.

But where has she gone without even attending the first class?

Sighing, I swirl and take a few steps away from the class when I notice an apprehensive Harini striding opposite me. "Harini? What are you doing here instead of being in the class?" The girl freezes before looking up at me.

"Sir...I went to the restroom," I nod understandingly. "I'm going to ask you some questions Harini and I need you to answer them with honesty," she shakes her head, positively.

"What's wrong with Mayil? Why was she crying for the last two days? And where is she now?" She stares down at the ground, instead of answering me.

"Harini?" She perks up with tearful eyes. "What's wrong?" She gulps to control her tears, then parts her lips and speaks up, "It was all because of me. I told my sister about Mayil akka being eighteen and having failed four times in the 10th grade. My sister then mocked Mayil akka as 'makku Mayil,' and later, she spread the information to all the students in hers and ours. Due to which, whenever Mayil akka comes to the class, our classmates tease her with that nickname and some speak condescendingly to her. Even today sir...when she settled in the class, some guy students surrounded her and chanted the nickname repeatedly, along with other harsh words. Unable to stand it, she rushed to the restroom and I followed behind her sir. I tried to console her sir but she wouldn't stop. It was my fault sir.." Harini sniffs in guilt while I just prevail there, anger blasting within me.

"Harini, you are not the one to be blamed for this. It is your sister. And I want you to do a help for me now," she peers at me, regulating her cries.

"I want you to bring Mayil out of the restroom. Tell her I'm looking for her." Nodding to me, she hurries back the way she walked from.

Meanwhile, I go to the staffroom, acquire the stick, and the English textbook, and trudge to the 10th classroom.

Outside, I witness Mayil and Harini standing together. As I acquire near them, I heave Mayil by her wrist and drag her inside the class with me.

Alarmed, the students arise and I vacate her wrist once we are in front of them. Harini slips me and takes her place in the second row while Mayil stands beside me, looking numb from wailing.

"Is this how you are supposed to treat your fellow classmate!?" I boom and the students seemed frightened to even glance up at me. All of them had their head bowed down except Harini.

"Yes, she is eighteen! And yes she has failed four times. But tell me, how does that give you all the right to bully her!? If any, you should be encouraging her and be appreciative of her for not giving up. Not any other way around!" Pin-drop silence remains in the classroom after I cease speaking.

"Whoever bullied her should apologize to her right now and I should never heed any such complaints about your cheap trait anymore, understood?" At my strictly hurled question, the students answer a 'Yes sir'.

"Now apologize!" I say, sternly.

"Sorry Mayil," the students utter in chorus.

Mayil swims her gaze to all the students, naive surprise evident on her face. "She isn't smiling, you have to try more harder to get her to forgive you," I mutter and lean back onto the desk.

"Sorry Mayil...sorry Mayil," the chorus continues and a small smile is finding its way onto her lips.

"Isn't she elder than you? How do you mention her then?" I give the students a hint and getting the idea, they yell in chorus. "Mayil akka, sorry!" Mayil becomes flustered and then signals her hand to the students, indicating that she has forgiven them.

Afterward, as the class goes back to normal, I commence teaching the fifth chapter of the English subject to the students. Throughout the class, I feel Mayil's eyes on me. But I don't look at her often yet from the few glances I toss her away, I knew she is...looking at me distinctly. In the same dazed manner, I once had stared at her.


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