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On the mat, Jayanthi and I occupied our places and strived to fall into slumber. I told everything that happened today in the tuition to her and she was like, 'I told you already to not mess with him..'

But now I so badly want to take revenge on him. How dare he beat me in my knuckles...

Well, If I hadn't pulled that stunt of sticking thorns in his chair, he wouldn't have beaten me. Yet, I'm just an eighteen-year-old kid who is still enjoying her life. He should have been more gentle to me.

However, I have to appreciate him for one thing. Because of him, I have finally started to study. The past four years, I have been just relishing my life, not giving the needed attention that my books deserve. And I don't know why I always have this urge to sleep whenever I start studying.

Back then, I would tell my parents that I'm going to learn and would enter my room with the book. But within a few minutes, I would snooze. And even If my mom finds me in that sleeping state, she wouldn't wake me up and force me to study. Cause she doesn't want me to be an educated girl in the first place!

Meanwhile, Dad would return home at twilight, and due to his hectic working day, he would consume dinner and doze off. I can't blame him at all. Without him, we wouldn't be able to survive even a day. He is the pillar of our family and the person who I love the most. Mom takes the second position.

Jayanthi's snores snap me out of my thoughts, and I chuckle as I try to sleep as well.

The next day, I wake up earlier and stroll to the common pond to bathe. Jayanthi doesn't accompany me as her school is nearby, and it would take her just a few minutes to freshen and attend school. Lucky her, she is carrying on to sleep tranquily.

Upon reaching the pond, I strip out of my clothes and tie the inner skirt over my bosoms. Then I plunge into the water. The dawn of the day, entwined with the chattering of birds made me feel ecstatic.

Halfway through my bath, I see a familiar figure walking across the pond. "Sir! Good morning," he shows me his palm as an acknowledgment and neither greets me back nor glances my way. Too much cold.

"Your home must contain huge bathrooms, then why do you come here to bathe, sir? And it's too early, isn't it?" I ask, genuinely curious. The other small houses including mine and aunt's have tiny bathrooms which are not fit for showering purpose.

"Because I like to bathe in the pond and I would come here early just so there wouldn't be any people around. But seems like I have bad luck today," He talks while sauntering to the male's portion of the pond. He still hasn't stared my way.

Do I look that hideous? Usually, males and females bath in the same pond, and they used to chat, gazing at each other. It wasn't really a big deal. And only god knows why Vetri sir has been acting this way.

I watch him casually as he places his clothes on the stairs of the pond and undresses. He removes his shirt in a swift motion, and I gape unwillingly at his well-maintained physique.

Then he wraps a towel around his hips and continues to glide down the shorts. "Are you going to keep on staring at me?" I roll my eyes at his annoyed question, and with a huff, I turn around and submerge myself into the chilling water.

Seconds later, I heed the sound of water splashing, and again, against my wish, my eyes go to scrutinize him.

His biceps flexes as he rumbles his fingers through his thick drenched bristles. His sight is so mesmerizing to behold.

"Sir," I call him softly. It's a small pond, thus, he could hear me clearly even If I talk in my normal voice. "Yes?" He answers, his eyes still not trying to meet mine.

What in the world is his problem!?

"Why aren't you looking at me?" I query, rather irritated by his ignorance. "Why should I look at you?" He asks cooly, swimming to the stairs and picking up the soap.

"People face each other while conversing. It's common," I say a reasonable fact but he still doesn't mind me.

"I'm not like every other people. And I certainly don't want to see a lazy fellow like you as the first sight in the morning. Even If I accidentally did so, I'm afraid that I would become slothful as you." I literally gasp at his rude words.

The contempt I hold against him intensifies and I fist my hand, trying to gather a plan to make him suffer for talking down on me.

As I look around to do something, a great idea emerges in my brain. Vetri sir, you will regret for belittling me!!

Quickly, I soap my body and cleanse them off. Then I ascend the stairs and throw the towel over my chest.

And the mission starts now.

Vetri sir was now swerved to the other side, probably because he doesn't wish to even peek at me. Well, good for me, my work became way more easier.

Tiptoeing to the male's portion, I collect all the clothes of Vetri sir, excluding his innerwear. I could use his shirt and pants, but not that one...

Clutching his clothes tightly to my chest, I move away to the female's side. "Vetri sir!!" He proceeds to bathe, as If he hadn't heard me yell his name.

"Thanks for your clothes, Vetri sir!!" A cheesy grin appears on my face as I see him go stiffen. Slowly, he swirls around and rakes his realization brimmed eyes over me.

"Bye Vetri sir!" I show a toothy smile and twirl back, stepping away from the pond. "Mayil, get back here and give me my clothes!" His indignant voice provoked a chuckle from me.

Turning myself around to encounter him, I grin widely. "No way Sir!" I stick my tongue out after saying that and smile at the frustrated look on his countenance.

But then, he starts to angrily swim out of the water in his towel and I dashed away at the speed of lightening.

Once I reach my aunt's home, I securely place his garments in my clothe cover.

Finally, I had taken a proper retaliation against him. I feel crazily pleased!


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