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My exams have begun and I have never been this tense about it. In the past, I wouldn't even know when it starts and ends but now the condition is totally opposite...

Vetri sir is giving me a little more attention during these examination times. From his normal behavior, no one would even doubt that there's something going on between us. Sometimes, even I would dispute with myself about the same. It's as If the day Vetri sir confessed to me was just a bizarre dream. He has never brought that up again, never looked at me in a dazed manner again, and never spoken affectionately again!

Even so, I can't help falling for him. A part of me is aware that he is being professional just so he could guide me brilliantly in my studies. Yet the other part of me is gloomy. It wants his attention, the one that's filled with the love he has shown me previously.

Unfortunately, I would have to wait for it to transpire. I don't think he would ever unfold his soft side until my exams are over. Thus, it's better If I calm my heart and focus on my studies for now.

Which is what, I'm doing right now.

The Tamil exam has gotten over today, that is Monday, and needless to say, I have written it pretty well. One of the reasons is Vetri sir and another is because the subject is my mother tongue. However, the real problem starts from tomorrow!

I have an English exam the next day, followed by Mathematics, science, and social science. I just wish the days could roll fastly and I could be relaxed.

Sadly enough, the days seemed to drag itself as slowly as possible. I arrived at the tuition quite earlier, before 5.30 pm, but the clock on the back wall is still clinging to 5.45 pm even though it feels like I've been here for a long time.

Sighing wearily, I stare down at the English textbook. The chapter's name was Shelly. And I'm learning the question and answers of the chapter.

It was quite understandable but I just wish I wouldn't forget it in the exam hall. Throughout the 8 pm, I barely lift my head from the book and concentrated seriously on the portions.

Once every student has vacated, I raise my eyes and look towards Vetri sir who is marking the attendance. Being alone with him is tempting but as I know he wouldn't even bother talking out of the syllabus, I mean, out of anything that involves studies, I remain nonchalant.

"Mayil," I blink at him. It is probably to ask me how much I've covered or whether I'm having any doubts regarding the lessons. That is what his little more attention to me signifies. Yesterday, he had been querying me oftentimes and would lend me a glare whenever I would stutter.

"Take a break Mayil," break? I stare at him uncertainly. Vetri sir is asking me to have an interval from studies!? Oh my god! "It's okay sir..." I politely decline and divert my eyes back to the book. "Mayil, don't make me repeat my words," stealing a glance at his cold self, I hastily close the book and put it aside.

What should I do now?

"Come here," obliging to his order, I stand and walk to him, ceasing beside the desk.

"How was your Tamil exam?" He questions, peering up into my eyes. "It was okay sir.." he nods thoughtfully.

"How much score do you think you would gain?" He queries again, his hands clutching mine which were fiddling in nervousness.

For a second, my breath get clogs and I hurriedly pull myself together to answer him. His hands are rough but warm and nice...very nice.

"60..." I drag and he lends me a nod again. "Fine, do you need water?" I shake my head at his words. It has been days since he spoke so delicately.

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