"Is this her?" Says the girl behind harry, she looks between the 13-16. And looks a bit.. dead... like she has a hangover or something.

"Yes, this is Emma... Emma this is Stacy." He introduces his sister to me.

"Hi, nice to meet you." I put out my hand for her to shake, she doesn't take it, instead she hugs me.
"Your sooo beautiful!" She compliments me catching me completely off guard.

"Thank you!" I got a feeling like I need to say it back, but i didn't had a change to give a full look at her, plus I don't wanna say it when I don't mean it! Not that she's not pretty! But she looks like she needs to puke any second!

"I get it why my stepbro likes you!" She says and walks away.

"Wait what? Stepbro? She isn't your real sister? And likes me? I think I'm gonna pass out." I say out loud.

"Wait! Don't pass out! Do you need water? please take a seat! I don't like you... well... I like you... but in a friend way you know? And yes she is my stepsister but I will explain that later when I know you aren't gonna pass out..." he rattles on

I take the seat, taking in all the formation. This is to much for my brain! "I like you to.. in a friend way." I say back.. he laughs.

"So.. a stepsis?" I ask
"Actually 3 stepsisters."

"What... all 3 the sisters you told me about?"
"Yes... I know... a lot of information."

"No no it's.. I don't know... maybe" I drift off.
"No worry, take your time to process it al! Your hungry?" He asks, when he says it my stomach starts to rumble. "Yes."

He makes some sandwiches and put the plate in front of me.

"So... where are your other stepsisters by the way?" I ask, realising I haven't seen the other 2 sisters.

"You can call them my sisters, they feel like sisters to me, but Anna is still sleeping, she had a rough day yesterday. And Samantha had a sleepover and can come home any minute." He answers me.

"And... does Stacy has a hangover? cuz she looked kinda dead." I ask

"Yes. How did you know so fast?"
"As I said, she looked kinda dead, and I got two older brothers... who sometimes also look dead in the morning if they had a party or something else the night before." They actually always look dead.

Just when he's about to say something the bell rings.
He walks toward the door and opens it.

"Hey sis." He welcomes his sister Samantha
"Hey big bro." "Why do you guys keep calling me that!" I laugh at hearing him so frustrated about his nickname.

"Who is that?" I hear her ask.

FUCK why did I have to laugh! if i had just kept my mouth shut he could have explained everything first and then she could've met me!

"Let me explain first." I hear him say trying to stop his sister. But it's to late, she walks into the living room and sees me.

"Who is this girl, Harry?" She asks Harry as if i'm some kind of animal. Rude.

"This is Emma... Emma this is Sam." He introduces me to her.

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