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"Nari, I found a heart donor!" My mom calls out with excitement in her voice. I stand up from my chair with wide eyes as my shoulders drop.

"What?!" I shout out, catching the other members attention. "You did?"

"Nari, what's going on?" Chunja asks, setting her bass guitar on the stand. I turn to her with a shocked look in my face.

"My mom found a heart donor.." I say weakly.

"No way!" Aera shouts as he runs over to me, hugging me tightly with a wide smile on her face. "You're going to live, Nari!"

I nod my head slowly as I just stood there, letting the members hug me.

I didn't feel any joy at all though. Usually when people hear that they now have a donor, they're happy. But for some reason I didn't feel anything. It was as if it was normal, but it isn't. It really isn't normal.

"Nari, are you still there?" I hear my mom over the phone. I hum as I put ny phone up to my ear.
"Still here mom, don't worry." I sigh as the girls then break the hug, letting me talk to my mom. I then walk over to the door of the practice room, opening the door and leaving but staying outside of the room.

"The donor is in the States, so we'll be leaving for your transplant at the start of December."

"Mom, I can't." I say with a low tone. "Can it please be after the sixth of December?"

"Nari you better not be putting work infront of your health again." My mom says with a stern voice. I shake my head and sigh, leaning my back agaisnt the wall.

"The trainee band I'm training is debuting in the sixth, and I want to be here so see them."

"I'll see what I can do."  She says. I hum with a small smile.
"Thank you for finding a heart for me mom, I love you."

"I love you too, my princess." She says. "I'll update you on when we can go to the states, but for now you better take it easy."

"I will mom, don't worry." I let out a small laugh as I smile. "Bye mom." And with that I ended the call, my smile also dropping as I put my phone into my pocket, then hiding my face in my palms as I slide down the wall, tears slowly coming out of my eyes.

I then sigh deeply as I then look up to the ceiling and closing my eyes, laughing a bit as I wipe the warm tear on my cheek.

"Nari?" I then hear. I look around and spot Jiseok looking at me from beside me, his hand on his practice door room which was still slightly open. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." I laugh out as I stand up. "I just needed some fresh air, you know?"

He then pulls me closer to him, hugging me as he sighs deeply.
"I hate seeing you like this Nari, so please. just tell me what's on your mind whenever. I'll drop everything just to listen to you."

I smile weakly as I hug him back, resting my chin in his shoulder. I then spotted someone looking at us from the halls with a frown, his shoulders dropping as he then rushed away the other way.


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