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"Hey Nari, you want to eat out again?" Jiseok asks as he backs his guitar into a gig bag. I nod my head with a smile as I do the same.

The rest of his band members had already gone back to their dorm, but Jiseok decided to stay back to practice for a bit more.

I was also about to go back to my own dorm but then I saw Jiseok all alone so I decided to stay to make sure he has company with him. We then, somehow, ended up having our own concert which he had recorded on his phone. We were playing the guitar to our favourite songs, sining and even dancing. But now that it was almost 10pm we decided to leave the company.

"Should we go back to that grill place?" I ask as I walk over to him. Jiseok shrugs as he then comes up to me.
"I honestly don't mind, but I did hear that a new noodle bar opened up across from the grill place?"

"Really? Then we should go." Jiseok then nods, heading over for the door and opening it, letting me leave first while he turned off the lights. I then see someone on their phone, walking towards the elevators.

"Hyeongjun?" I call out with confusion. He looks up from his phone and looks around with a puzzled look in his face, him then noticing me and waving at me.

"Huh? Hyeongjun's still here?" Jiseok calls out as he closes the practice room door, then spotting Hyeongjun. "Oh, hey man!"

"We thought you went back to your dorm ages ago." I say as Jiseok and I walk over to Hyeongjun, joining him in the elevator. Jiseok then pressed the ground level button and the metal doors close, bringing us up and then opening the door again.

"I decided to stay back and practice a bit more alone." Junhan shrugs as he scans his trainee card, letting him go through. Jiseok and I do the same. "Are you guys headed back to the dorms?"

I shake my head with a smile as we leave the company building. "Jiseok and I are going to eat out. Do you want to come with?"

Junhan shrugs as he puts a face mask on. Jiseok shakes his head as he wraps an arm around Junhan's shoulders, ruffling his hair up as he the drags him over to me.
"Come on now, it'll be fun!" He calls out. Junhan laughs a bit as he then nods his head. Gaon then removed his arm from Junhan's shoulder as he then drags him and pushes him beside me, keeping Junhan in between me and himself.

"Hopefully they're still open, or else we'd have to either find another place to eat at or go back to our dorms." I sigh as I find a rock, then kicking it infront of me but it then falls into a drain.
"Well if it's closed, then we can just go to a convenience store and eat there." Junhan shrugs as we cross a road after making sure it was safe both ways.

About 10 minutes later, we had bought some hand foods to eat at a 7/11.

We all got too lazy to walk the remaining 5 minutes to a noodle bar, so we found a 7/11, bought some foods like gimbap and onigiri and a drink, payed for them and we're now walking towards our dorms.

Turns out their dorm is an apartment which is the same way as Celestial's house, but it's on a different street than mine.

"I just want to debut already." Jiseok mumbles as he shoved one last piece of his gimbap roll into his mouth before throwing his wrappers into a trash bin nearby. "I want to preform infront of fans!"

"That's if we get fans." Junhan shrugs as he peacefully drinks his strawberry milk. I frown as I softly hit his arm.
"Trust me, with your guys' visuals and your talent, you guys will have fans in no time. You'll probably also get some pretty debut fans when your performance videos get released!" I call out as I also finish my gimbap, putting the wrapper into my pocket.

"Have some confidence in yourself, yeah?" Jiseok says with a sigh. "We'll become as big as Celestial if we work hard!"

"Trust me, it won't be easy." I frown as I then turn to them. "Which is why Celestial made our work fun. That's how we started liking working and it made our work much easier." I then point to a street across from the road. "Anyways, my dorm is that way."

"Alright then, we'll see you tomorrow?" Jiseok asks with a raised eyebrow, me nodding my head as he then smiles and opens his arms, walking towards me and giving me a hug before patting my back.

"Bye guys!" I call out with a smile as I jog across the road and down a street.

That was my first hangout with Junhan.

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