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"Nari, come on, we have to work with the trainee band." Chunja says as he lets Dasom drag her out o mf our practice room. I nod as I then slowly stand up, holding my chest as I slowly walked out into the hall, following the others into Xdinary Heroes practice room. Before I went in, I took one last deep sigh before toughening up and walking in as if everything was ok.

It really wasn't though.

I had forgotten to take my pills which my mom had prescribed me and I don't have any emergency ones with me at the moment since it was a new prescription. I had already finished my old one.

"Alright we'll be going into the same rooms as last time but Junhan and Jiseok will be swapping." I call out as I look at Junhan. "Instead of the studio, we'll be in the vocal practice room Jiseok was in yesterday."

"Does that mean I'm working with Nari now? Or am I still working with Nabi?" Jiseok asks as he grabs his guitar and his notebook.

"Still working with me." Nabi says with a smile on her face. "You'll all be having a chance to be in the studio since that's when you guys will be learning how to use a music application that almost all idols here in JYP use."

"Chop, chop! Let's get a move on it!" Yuki calls out, clapping her hands. Junhan then quickly stands up from beside Seungmin and goes over to his spot to pack his stuff up. He then comes up to me with a smile.

"Let's go." I say as we leave the practice room and going into the halls, then going to the vocal practice room. I go in first and take a seat where my guitar was set, Junhan going over to the other side and taking his guitar out.

"Yesterday you said you wanted to work more on your solo, right?" I ask as I brighten the room lights a bit more by using the light switch control panel near the door. Junhan nods as he then takes out his notebook and a pencil. "Well, what do you want to add to it?"

"Well I might make it sound a bit more higher since it sounds a bit too deep right now.." He says with a small frown. "But the that would mean that I'd have to rewrite the whole thing."

"That's alright, just think of this one as a draft." I then take out my own notebook and a pen, placing it on a table as I write down what changes he wants to make to his solo.

I then bite my bottom lip as I make a sour face once I feel another sharp pain in my chest. I lower my head down a bit more and sighing deeply before raising my head again.

"Is.. everything ok?" Junhan asks with a worried face. I nod my head with a weak smile, then making him focus on his solo work while I tried to bear with the pain.

He then plugs his guitar into an amp that was already here, then playing his solo slowly while making some small changes and writing them down.

"I honestly think the pitch of it is perfect right now." I say. "Because remember, it won't just be your guitar playing in the performance video. It'll be accompanied by other intruments in the backing.."

I was then cut off by a sharp pain in my chest again. I groan loudly as I place my hand where my head was, grasping onto my sweater as I lower my head down.

"Nari, are you sure you're ok?" Junhan says as he sets his guitar down up agaisnt the wall as he comes beside me, placing his hand on my back as he crouches down to reach my level.

I shake my head as I look at Junhan.
"I need you to get someone from my band." I groan out. "Now."

Junhan nods with worried eyes as he stands up and goes to the door, quickly running to somewhere he'll find one of my members, and before I knew it he was already running back to me with Aera and Gunil right behind him.

Aera then picks me up from the chair and wraps one of my arms around her neck, one of hers around my waist.
"We need to get her to a hospital now!" She shouts out, struggling to help me to the elevators. Gunil then takes me away from Aera and puts me on his back, Aera wrapping my arms around his neck while he held my legs.

"Junhan, go and tell the other Celestial members that Nari's going to the hospital." Aera says as she continuously pushes the elevator calling button. Junhan worriedly looks at me before nodding and running back into the vocal practice room where the others were and telling them, then going to the practice room Yuki was in.

"What's happening to Nari?" Gunil asks as us 3 enter the elevator, Aera pressing the button to go to the ground floor while she takes her phone out and dials the manager, telling him what was going on and to be ready with the car.

"It's not my place to say, but right now our priority is bringing Nari to a hospital." She says with a stern look. It took a while, but once the elevator doors opened, they quickly rushed out.

Aera scans her idol card as she then lets us through the machinery first, her trailing behind Gunil and I.
We then see my manager outside of the building already in a car. He leaves the drivers side and slides open a door so that Gunil could set me down on a seat, he then takes a seat behind me so that Aera could sit beside me.

The manager then slides the door shut as he rushes to the drivers side, then making his way to the hospital my mom works at.

"Can somebody please fill me in with what's going on?" Gunil asks as he looks at me, worry in his eyes. I turn to him with a frown, my hand on my chest.

"I have a heart disease and I forgot to take my pills this morning, does that explain what's going on?" I then groan loudly as I lower my head, clutching onto my chest as the pain became stronger.

"Nari, please!" Aera shouts out as tears began to swell in her eyes. "Please can you just tell your heart to wait until we get to a hospital?!"

"If I could do that, then I'd be doing it right now!"

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