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The girls and I were getting our instruments prepared for a special cover we had practice in our trainee days, but we're only preforming it now since the company said that we haven't been releasing much work as normal bands do.. which is a lie..

"You girls ready?" Yuki asks as she fixes her sweater. We all shout 'yes' in response. She then starts recording us on the camera which was set up in the stand, then running over to her keyboard. I start playing the intro to the song, Meddle About by Chase Atlantic.

Although it is a bit explicit, we're grown women now so we can sing whatever we want.

Nabi then starts saying her line into the mic, "Well come and get it now, come and get it now." She says with a low voice. "Baby come show me what you're doing. Come and turn around."

After the song had finished Yuki goes back up to the camera, turning it off after doing her own fairy ending which was a bit unexpected.

"What was that for?!" Dasom pretends to gag, then laughing at she takes a seat on the floor.

"Look who's looking in." Aera says as she points her drumstick towards the window in the door.

Jiseok, Hyeongjun and Seungmin were almost ontop of eachother as they liked into the room. Once they noticed that we saw them, they began waving at us with a smile on their faces.

"Come in!" Chunja shouts out, gesturing them to come in as well. Jiseok then pushes the door open, greeting us as we then greeted them back.

"We heard you guys practicing while we were in the halls so we decided to watch." Seungmin smiles as he closes the door behind him. "It sounds really good."

"Thanks, 'Min." I smile as I go up to him, ruffling his hair up as I then took my water bottle off of the counter behind him, drinking from it while giving Hyeongjun a small wave.

He did actually see the lyrics on the notebook, but luckily he didn't know they were about him. When he asked Yuki and I why we were so panicked about it, we both said that it was something important for a big group project. Thank god he actually bought it.

"I really liked Nari's solo near the end. It was really cool" Junhan calls out, Jiseok then imitates me playing the song solo with his air guitar. I scoff as I slap his arm.

"If you're going to mock me then at least make it look realistic." I laugh as I go over to my usual position and take a seat, placing a leg over the other while also leaning back in the chair.

"I heard you guys are debuting soon." Nabi then starts. "How many days left?"

"Exactly 11 more days." Jiseok smiles as he then looks around to the group. "We were actually talking about having a small debut party the day before, and we're wondering if you guys can come."

"Well we can try and go." Yuki then says as we nod our heads, agreeing with her.  "We also have a stage when you guys debut."

"Oh, you guys are having a comeback?" Seungmin asks with a smile. I bite my lower bite and shake my head.
"Is it a special stage or something?" Jiseok then asks. I then fake a cough while also pointing at my chest, doing it multiple times. Junhan then nods as he whispers something in Jiseok's ear. Jiseok then makes a small realization face as he then turns to Seungmin.

"I think I locked Gunil in a bathroom stall and forgot to take him out, can you go check for me?" He smiles as he opens the door up, pushing Seungmin out of the room and closing it soon after.

"Thank god Hyeongjun got the message." I chuckle as I fix my posture. Meanwhile, Nabi was still a bit confused.
"Wait, is everybody just going to ignore the fact that Jiseok locked Gunil in a bathroom stall and forgot about him?"

"I'm about to lock you in a bathroom stall myself." Dasom sighs as she massages her temples. We all laugh a bit before Aera decided to speak up.

"Do these two know about your condition?" She asks. I nod my head with a smile. Jiseok then comes over to me, leaning his shoulder on the wall near me.

"So, what's going on?" He asks. I sigh as I clap my hands together once.
"In 2 weeks I'll be going on a hiatus to have my heart transplant in the States."

"That's good news!" Hyeongjun calls out as he also comes over to me but staying beside Jiseok. "But that doesn't really explain why you guys have a stage."

"We're preforming once more before Nari goes for her transplant, just incase she doesn't make it back." Chunja frowns, crossing her arms over her chest and shifting her weight to one side. "It's basically Nari's last wish."

"Wait, are you going to die?" Jiseok mumbles as he then crouches beside me. I shrug my shoulders.
"There's a chance I could, but the hospital and surgeons I'll be having are one of the best, so I'll be in good hands."

"Let's just hope all goes well then." He smiles softly as he takes one of my hands in his, locking eyes with me.
I smile back at him as I then ruffle his hair up. We then hear someone clearing their throats out.

"Jiseok, we should go now we have practice." Hyeongjun mumbles, heading for the door but turning around to us and bowing. "Thanks for having us over." He then opens the doors and leaves.

"Wait what?" Jiseok calls out as he jumps up and runs after Hyeongjun. "We finished our schedule!"

I then see Yuki slowly making her way up to me.
"He's jealous of Jiseok."

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