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I laugh at Aera's complains over my bike as I then wave bye to Aera.  I then make my way into Xdinary Heroes band practice room, Aera going into Celestial's.

I close the door and jump slightly at the sight of a figure laying down on the sofa in a corner.

I set my helmet and gloves on a counter, then putting my guitar up agaisnt a wall before quietly walking over to the figure.

They wore his hood and had their arm on their forehead which did make it a bit hard to identify who it was.
I then peek my head above them and let out a scoff as I saw who it was.


He was sleeping soundly with some small soft snore coming out of his mouth.
I sigh as I shake my head, going back to my guitar as I then sit down beside it and take my phone out along with my AirPods.

After a while the rest of Xdinary Heroes came in one by one, going to their places. Jiseok then points over at Junhan who was still asleep on the sofa.

"Has he been here all night?" He calls out. Jungsu shrugs.
"I didn't see him at home last night and I also didn't see him this morning. His bed did also look untouched when I woke up." He says as he goes over to wake him up, shaking up and calling for him.

Junhan then sits up with a frown and squinted eyes. Jiseok then takes a seat beside him as he takes Junhan's hood off, revealing his messy bedhead.

"Is it time for practice?" Junhan mumbles as he looks around.
"Have you been here all night?" Gunil then asks as he takes a seat on the other side of him. Junhan nods as he points over to his guitar.

"I was practicing.." He sighs as he stands up and goes over to his guitar.

"Nope!" I call out as I stand up from the floor and take his guitar off of him, then pointing to the door. "Go back home and freshen up, you guys have your monthly evaluations."

"That's today?!" Seungmin calls out with wide eyes. I nod my head as I then set Junhan's guitar back on its stand, then grabbing his bag off the floor and pushing it into his chest as I push him to the door.

"It's in half an hour." I call out as I grab my helmet and my biking gloves. "Seeing how far your dorm is away from mine, you won't make it on time if you walk."

I then go over to Junhan and put the helmet of him, pushing the face shield down as I pat is back and pushing him out of the practice room.
"You guys practice while I bring Junhan to your dorm. We'll be back soon." I then close the door and quickly go to Celestial's practice room.

Aera stops the song on the speakers and sets her drum sticks on the snare.
"What's up?" She calls out. I shake my head as I grab the other helmet off of the floor.

"Xdinary Heroes have their monthly evaluations today and Junhan stayed here all night practicing." I sigh as I then put the helmet on, then my gloves. "I'm taking Junhan home quickly so he can freshen up since he has to be back here quickly and he won't be able to make it if he walks to their dorm."

"Then go!" Aera calls out as she points to the door. I give her a thumbs up as I leave the room, then dragging the yawning Junhan to the elevator to go to the parking lot where I had put my motorbike.

As soon as we got there, I took my keys out and went over to my bike with Junhan following behind me. His eyes widens as he points at the bike.

"You're brining me home on this?" He calls out. I nod my head as I get on the bike, starting the motor. I then turn to Junhan.

"Quickly get on so you aren't late for your evaluation." I call out. He nods as he carefully gets on, holding my shoulders.

As soon as I got onto the main road, Junhan began screaming but a few minutes in he began to actually enjoy the ride and started to become amused at the wind blowing agaisnt us.

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