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"And then she just took out her card and bought it with no hesitation at all!" Junhan calls out with wide eyes. Meanwhile Jiseok was checking out my new guitar, even taking photos of it.

"Well, I guess that's what you can do when you get rich." Gunil says as he laughs out. Jiseok then passes the guitar back to me with so much caution. I take it back with a smile as I then place it on a stand I brought with me.

"So how many guitars do you have now?" Seungmin asks as he turns his synthesiser off for a bit.

"I now have 9 guitars." I smile widely. Junhan's eyes then became wider as he slowly turned to me. I swear, his eyes were about to become the size of a saucepan.

"9?!" He calls out, then pointing at his red guitar and his black stratocaster guitar. "I only have those 2 guitars and you almost have 5 times more guitars than me!"

"Someone's jealous." Jungsu sings out as he then turns away from Junhan, drinking his water as he tapped his foot to fill the silence in.

"You're my role model now." Junhan then says, I turn to him with smile as I thank him. "I want to debut and be just like you."

"Well aren't you flattering?" I laugh as I then clap my hands. "Well, break's over. Go back to your instruments and work on your solos."

They all nod as they either walk, run or pick up their instruments and soon the practice room was now busy again. While they were working away on their solos, I decided it would give me some time to start drafting their debut song lyrics.

I then take my laptop off the counter behind me and taking a seat on the floor, putting my back up agaisnt a wall as I set my legs down straight and placing my laptop on my laptop. I then open up an app where I would always write down my lyrics. I then make a new folder and name it 'XDH'.

I then make a new document under that folder and make 'Debut Song Lyric Drafting' as the title of the new document.

While I was typing to the lyrics, I then hear something going on with their solos. It was like someone just hit random keys. I frown as I look up and see Jungsu gripping his hair tightly as he held the pen in a fist. I set my laptop on the ground as I go over to Jungsu, taking the pen out of his hand.

"What's wrong?" I ask. Jungsu shakes his head as he groans out of frustration.
"I can't think of anything that sounds good on this keyboard." He frowns as he shows me all his drafts, all of them being crossed out. I sigh as I nod my head.

"Well I don't specialize in the keyboard, so I'll call Yuki over to help." I say as I then pat his back with a warm smile as I then leave the practice room and going to the one beside theirs, opening the door wide and going over to Yuki who was actually just on her phone, laying down on the floor.

I softly kick her leg as she then sits up and looks at me.
"Don't you have practice with the trainee band?" Yuki asks as she takes an earphone out. I nod my head.

"I'm currently teaching them how to think of a solo and Jungsu's having some trouble thinking of a solo on the keyboard." I explain. "Would it be ok if you come over and helped him?"

"Yeah of course, let's go'" Yuki shouts as she jumps up from the ground and skips to the boy's practice room, letting me in first before trailing behind me. Yuki then smiles widely as she goes over to Jungsu, then continuing to help him do his solo.

"Nari? Could I have some help please?" Seungmin asks shyly. I smile as I jog over to him, standing beside him as he pointed at spots on his sheet.

But while I was busy helping Seungmin, I didn't even notice Junhan struggling a lot.

He was getting mad over his solo. He was always flipping to other sheets once he heard something he didn't like at all.

As soon as I finished helping Seungmin, I then went over to Junhan and sighed.
"Why is this so hard?!" He whines out as he sets down his own on his lap. I frown.

"Solos are hard to think of, don't worry." I say as I then take his note book from his stand to look through all his drafts. I then quickly grab my guitar, playing one of the sheets then later on improvising the rest since it wasn't complete.

Junhan then looks at me dumb founded. "Why do you make it look so easy?" He mumbles with a frown.
I laugh as I then take the pen from behind my ear and cross out one of the tabs, the replacing it with another and doing the rest before showing it to Junhan.

"Try and play this." I say as I place the notebook back on the stand. He analyses it before placing his fingers on the strings and playing it. After he finished, he looks at me with a smile.

"This is what I've been trying to get for ages now." He says. "Thanks for helping me."

"Don't worry about it, it's my job." I say as I pat his shoulder, then going back to the front of the practice room and setting my guitar back on the stand and going back to drafting the lyrics to their debut song.

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