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"This guitar is nice.." Junhan mumbles as he admires an acoustic guitar which was hanging on a wall. The guitar had a flower design carved into the wood, Junhan slowly brushed his thumb going over them.

"Buy it if you want." I shrug, he turns around to me with a shrug.
"I don't always carry around a bunch of cash with me." He laughs out as he then walks over to me since I was looking at the electric guitars, looking for the guitar I saw online.

"What guitar are you looking for?" Junhan then asks. I take my phone out and show him the photo of a white Les Paul guitar.

It had a white body with black edges, a black fret board and golden pickups and bridge. I've had my eyes on this exact guitar since ages now, but it's hard to find, but then Aera came screaming to me saying she found a place which had the guitar.

Junhan then points over to the other side of the shop.
"The Les Paul guitars are over there." He says, then walking towards the section while I trailed behind him. That was then when I saw the guitar.

A wide smile appears on my face as I point at it, then looking at Junhan.
"That's it! That's the guitar I want!" I call out, then looking around the shop for a staff to take it down so I could try it out. While I was looking for a staff member, Junhan had already found one and already took it down.

"Nari, try it out." He then says, passing me the guitar as I then took a seat on a stool, placing the guitar on my lap as I admired it. Call me crazy, I don't care.

I then place my fingers on some strings, strumming. As soon as I strummed, I gasped and tried to hold in a squeal of excitement. I then look up to Junhan with a smile as I heard it. The sound of it was even cleaner than it was online.

"You don't understand how much I love this guitar." I say as I then turn to the staff. "Is it alright if I buy it?"

"Nari, it's almost 4 thousand bucks!" Junhan calls out with wide eyes. I nod my head as I pass the guitar to the staff for him to pack up.

"Oh, I know." I say as I then take my wallet out and take my card, showing it to Junhan with a sly smirk. "I've been saving up for a while now."

No I haven't.

I then go to the cashier counter,  Junhan trailing behind me.

"Would you like to buy any accessories for the guitar? Maybe a bag for it or something?" He says as he gestures to beside him, where there were bags hung up on a wall. I nod my head as I go over to the bags, then noticing that there were cases on the floor.

"Are the cases for sale?" I ask. The staff nods as he goes over to me and takes out a case that was fit for Les Paul guitars, going back to the counter and scanning it. He then puts the new guitar inside of the case, closing it up and zipping it closed. I then turn around and notice that there were guitar picks and straps.

I quickly choose a pack of black guitar picks from a basket and pass them to the staff at the counter, him scanning it and putting it in a bag.

"Nari, look at this strap." Junhan calls out as he holds up a strap. It was a black fabric strap with white stars in a few places. I go over to him as I take a look at it.

"Reminds me of Celestial." I mumble. Junhan then passes me it to take a closer look at it while he looked at other straps. I shrug and bring it to the counter, passing it to the staff as he scans it once again and places it inside a bag.

"Your total is 4,109 bucks." He says. I then nod as I take my card out of my pocket, inserting it into the card reader and typing in my PIN number, then taking my card out and putting it into my wallet.
While I was paying for it, Junhan was just looking at me with wide eyes.

The staf then takes the reciept from the printer and shoved it into the small bag, then coming over to the other side of the counter to pass me the bag and guitar case. I thank him as I put the guitar case straps on my shoulders, then taking the smal bag from him. Junhan and I thank him once again as we both leave the shop. While we were going down the stair case, Junhan notices a wall filled with celebrity signatures on it, then pointing to a specific one.

"Isn't that your signature?" He says. I hum in response with a nod.
"I bought most of my guitars here, and after the manager of the store recognized me as JJ of Celestial he asked for my signature to go on the wall." I say with a smile, then pointing to a blank space beside it. "When you debut, you could also put your signature there. Along with the rest of your band."

Junhan then chuckles as he shakes his head, continuing to go down the rest of the staircase.
"Maybe one day, if Xdinary Heroes becomes as big as Celestial."

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