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Junhan from XH
Nari? Are you up yet?


I'm outside your house right now.

JJ Celestial
Huh? Why is something wrong?

Junhan from XH
No? We had an outing today..

Did you forget..?

JJ Celestial
Whaaattt?? Nooo..

Junhan from XH
You just woke up, didn't you?

JJ Celestial
Yeah.. I'm really sorry, Jun.

Just ring the bell and someone should let you in, I'll start getting ready.

Junhan from XH
Take your time.

I quickly jump up from my bed and grab some clothes out from the large closet in Aera and I's room, rushing out of the bedroom then leaning over the railing and shouting down below once I heard our doorbell ring.

"Somebody get that, it's for me!" I shout out, Yuki walking to the foyer and looking up with a frown.
"If it's for you then why don't you get it?" She asks. I then move the towel from my torso, showing her that I was wearing a sports bra and basketball shorts. She nods her head as she then opens the door but quickly shutting it closed right after. "Why is Hyeongjun at our door?!"

"Oh my god, are they going out together?!" Aera says with wide eyes as she then looks up to me from below. I groan as I set my things down and grabbing a random hoodie from the railing, putting it on while going down the stairs and to the front door, opening it wide and seeing Junhan standing there with a confused look on his face.

He looked so.. boyfriend, if you know what I mean. He wore a simple grey hoodie, white tee and black sweatpants along with a grey cap.
I then move to the side and let him in.

"I'm so sorry about them." I say as I smile at him, "I still need to get ready, but I shouldn't take long. Make yourself comfortable wherever."
I then rush back up the stairs and grab my stuff off the floor again, then going into the bathroom and locking the door so I could get freshened up.

After a shower, drying my hair, doing skincare and brushing my teeth, I rush back into my bedroom and pack up my things in a small grey back pack.

I wore black wide legged jeans along with an oversized white t-shirt underneath a black jumper.
I then wore the back pack and took my charging phone off the night table and rush down. I didn't see Junhan or the girls at the entrance or dining room, so I walked to the living room and saw that they had sat Junhan down on the sofa with them surrounding him. Dasom then grabbed a nerf gun from the floor and aimed it at him while reloading it. They were also drowning him in questions, especially Yuki.

"What do you plan on doing with Nari?" "Where are you taking her?" "What're those flowers for?" "Are you guys dating?!"

"I can assure you that Nari and I are just going to hang out together, it isn't a date or anything." Junhan nervously says. I groan as I walk over to them, pushing them away from Junhan. He then got up once he saw me, I then led him to the foyer where we both out our shoes back on.

"Don't text or call me unless it's important, don't wait for me and don't do anything dumb to my stuff." I say as I grab my keys off a shelf, opening the front door and letting Junhan out first. "I'll be home later, bye." With that, I then left the house and shut the front door. I then turn to Junhan with an apologetic smile.

"I am so sorry about them." I say as I fix my jumper, then sighing.
"You look nice today, Nari." He says, smiling back. "I did get you flowers but Aera took them and put them in a vase."

"You didn't have to get my anything." I say as I laugh a bit, which then drops and turns into a small frown as I saw Junhan waving to someone behind me.

I turn around and see that the girls were almost on top of each other, looking at Junhan and I through the window in the dining room. I groan and roll my eyes as I grab Junhan's wrist, pulling him out of the driveway.

"Let's go before they start following us.."

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