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"Coronary heart disease?" Junhan mumbles as he looks at the night sky with bright stars shining, then looking down to me. "You have that?"

Junhan and I were still on the rooftop and it was now night time. We decided to stay up here for a bit to get away from people and to talk. Also because we aren't bothered to go back down just yet. We did end up finding a table and a few chairs so we did decide to relax here. The seating area did also give us a nice view of Seoul at night.

I hum in response with a small head nod. "And according to my mom I only have a few months left to live."

"Is that why you were rushed to the hospital that one day?" He then asks as he rests his arms on the table. "Was that because of your heart?"

I nod my head with a frown.
"I forgot to take my pills that morning which did lead me to having heart pains."

"You shouldn't be working then, Nari." Junhan sighs as he pours a bit. "Being an idol is stressful."

"It's ok, I can work as long as I keep my heart rate low." I say as I rummage through my pockets and show him a portable heart rate monitor. I put the oximeter on my finger and press a button, breathing normally as the small screen then shows my pulse reading which was 54, that's normal. "If it goes 110, then I need to rest. But if it goes over 131, then I need to go to the hospital."

"So that's the thing that you always put on your finger!" Junhan calls out as he softly picks my hand up, looking at the oximeter. I nod my head as I take the monitor off and pass it to him so he could take a closer look.

"Is it curable?" He then asks, passing me the monitor back. I nod my head with a sigh.
"I can get a transplant, but there is a risk of me dying throughout the surgery." I shrug, putting the oximeter back into my pocket. Junhan hums as he nods his head slightly, tapping the table and making a simple beat with it as he looks down.

I then sigh as I stand up from my seat. "I should probably get home now." I then push my seat into the table. Junhan nods as he also stands up and pushes his chair in as well, then grabbing his guitar bag from the floor and putting the steps on his shoulder.

"I'll walk you home." Junhan smile as we go back inside of the building. I chuckle a bit as I shake my head, calling the elevator and walking in, then letting Junhan in. I then press the button to go to the basement since I still had some stuff down in the practice room I have to bring home.

"It's a 45 minute walk from here, and I don't want you having to walk there and then back to your dorm. It's too much walking." The metal doors then open, we both leave the elevators as Junhan then follows me to the practice room. "Plus I took the bus here." We then enter the practice room. I quickly go over to my spot and pack my guitar, then grabbing a few sheets from the floor and folding them in half before putting them in a pocket of the guitar bag.

"Ok then I'll take the bus with you and then I'll take the bus again to my dorm." Junhan says.

"You are really committed to brining me home, aren't you?" I laugh as I put the straps of the guitar bag on my back. Junhan nods with a shy smile, playing with his hoodie's sleeves.

"I just want to spend some more time with you since you're mostly spending time with the others.."

Features || JunhanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora