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"Today's practice session will be a bit different than before." I say as I clap my hands with a smile. "We won't be working on solos, but on something else for your debut."

"What is it?" Jooyeon asks as he sets his bass guitar down on his stand.
"Since your debuting as a band, people need to know what role you play in a band." I explain, then pointing to me. "For example, I'm a lead guitarist. I specialize in putting the melody in Celestial's music and I also do the solos. When I debuted, JYP put out a performance video for every individual member of  Celestial playing our instruments to a song we wrote on our own."

"So that's what we'll be doing today?" Gunil asks. I nod my head with a smile.
"Celestial will be helping you guys as well." I then take out a sheet which had the room arrangements.

"Gunil, you're staying in here and Aera will be coming here in a bit." I then turn to Jungsu. "You're going into Celestial's practice room which is just next door. You'll be using Yuki's keyboard since you guys have the same model. The rest of you guys will be going into vocal practicing rooms, so please bring your instruments."

With that, I then heard a knock on the door. I quickly jog over and open it, then seeing Aera smiling widely as she waves her hands at me. I let her in and tell her what was going on. She then nods her head and goes over to Gunil with a smile.
I then let Jungsu go over to the practice room beside us to meet with Yuki.

"People who are going to the vocal practice rooms, come with me." I call out, opening the door again and letting Seungmin, Jiseok, Junhan and Jooyeon trail behind me as I lead them to were the others are.

I open a room and see Dasom, Nabi and Chunja altogether talking. Nabi then stands up once she notices me and smiles warmly at the trainees behind me.
"Seungmin, you're with Dasom. Jiseok, you're with Nabi and Jooyeon, you're with Chunja." I say as I then move out of her way so that Nabi and Chunja could leave the room, then bringing Jiseok and Jooyeon to separate rooms. Seungmin and Junhan wave bye to each other as Seungmin goes into the room Dasom was in. I then close the door and smile with Junhan.

"I guess you're stuck with me again." I smile as I then lead Junhan to Celestial's studio, unlocking it before letting Junhan go in first. Once he enters, I go in myself and close the door, then placing the keys to the studio on the desk.

While Junhan looked around the studio and looking at our awards shelf, I took a seat on the office chair and turned around to look at Junhan.

"This studio's cool." He says as he then sets his guitar down on the sofa as he then takes a seat beside.
"Why, thank you." I say with a smile. "Right so, you know that solo you've been working on for a while now?" Junhan hums as he nods his head. "That's good, like really good, so maybe we could use it in your performance video. Do you have with you right now?"

"Yeah, it's in here somewhere.." He then opens a pocket in his guitar bag and rummages through it, then taking out his notebook and flicking through the pages. "I made some alterations to it last night and I was actuallly going to ask you for your opinion on it."

I nod my head as I then turn around, taking an amp out from under the desk and passing Junhan the cord to it to plug his guitar in. The thanks me as he then plugs his guitar in, me then turning the amp on.
Junhan let's put a quick sigh as he then plays his solo.

His fingers were pressing on strings so quickly that I was actually quite surprised to see it, and before I knew it he was done.

I clap my hands with a smile as he shyly thanks me again.
"It's not finished yet since I feel like there's something missing." He mumbles as he looks through his notebook. I hold my hand out for the notebook, him then passing it to me. I place it on the desk after going through the tabs.

I then slide over to the guitar stands and take my Les Paul guitar, then putting in a tromolo arm into the slot. I then start playing his piece, adding it some bending and sliding. After I was finished I turn to Junhan with a raised eyebrow.

"What about that?" I ask as I pass his notebook back to him, Junhan nodding with his eyes wide open and clapping his hands after.

"Are you reading my mind, or something? Because that's what I was thinking of adding to my solo." He says. I smile as I laugh a bit before opening a laptop and logging into Xdinary Heroes account, then opening a music making application which almost all idols use.

"Well, we're going to start making the backing track to your piece." I say as I then put my guitar back on the stand and dragging another office chair beside mine. "Come here, I need to teach you the basics of this app."

He then nods, placing his guitar on the sofa as he takes a seat beside me, placing his hands on his lap as he looks at the laptop screen.

After a while, he finally got the hang of the app and was now playing around with it and using the the MIDI pad to play the drum kit on it, making a simple beat for his backing track.

He was so concentrated on making the beats as perfect as he could that he didn't even notice that his phone was blowing up with notifications until I pointed it out to him.

Once he reads his notifications, he bursts out laughing and tells me that Yuki has been ringing my own phone like crazy. I frown as I take it out from my pocket and see that I had 56 missed calls from her.

I quickly call her back and put her on speakerphone.
"What's wrong?" I ask as I sit back in the chair.

"Jungsu and I are locked in the practice room, can you come and help?" Yuki sighs. I burst out laughing as I stand up from the chair and head to the studio door, then looking back at Junhan.

"Are you going to stay working there, or do you also want to help me get Yuki and Jungsu free from that room?" I ask. Junhan quickly gets up from his seat and takes his phone, opening his camera and starts recording.

As soon as we got to the practice room, we could hear someone banging on the door, screaming out for help.

Meanwhile, Yuki used the speakers in the practice room and was calling out for help on it with the microphone that was connected to it.

"Hello? Is anybody out there?!" We hear Jungsu shout out. "Please help! Yuki and I are trapped!"

Junhan and I then burst out into another fit of laughter as we then heard Yuki singing to Back Door by Stray Kids.

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