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"Jungsu was so amused by the studio it was actually really funny." Yuki laughs out as she unlocks the front door to the house, then walking in afte taking her shoes off and leaving it on a shelf. We all do the same, Dasom entering last which made her have the lock the front door.

"Who's down for movie night?" Chunja calls out as she sets her bag down beside the sofa, then going into the kitchen pantry to grab a few snacks before taking a seat on a sofa. Nabi then joins her on the sofa, then Aera, then Dasom.

"I'm gonna go practice the guitar a bit more, then I'll join." I say with a shrug, making my way upstairs to my room where I then jump onto my bed after setting my Les Paul guitar down on a multi guitar rack.

I take my phone out of my sweatpants pocket to look at my notifications. As usual, Jiseok and Jooyeon had texted in our groupchat, talking about random stuff.
I then got a notification from Junhan. I curiously tap the notification and open our chat room, which was actually never used.

I do text the other members, but I never really texted Junhan before. The others did text me before and I guess we just began talking from that, but that was mostly inquiries about work. Junhan on the other hand seemed to never ask for help unless I saw him struggling, so it did surprise me once I read his message.

'Hey, Nari. I'm currently working on the guitar solo for the project and I'd love your opinion on it. Could we maybe meet tomorrow in a vocal practice room so you could listen to it and tell me your thoughts?"

I sigh as I then begin to text him back.
'I won't be going into the company tomorrow as I'm busy with something else. Could you make just send me a video of your solo?'

My message was then marked as read, a chat bubble then popping up and soon after I got another text from Junhan.
'Yeah sure! Give me a moment to record.'

While I waited i then decided to look at the groupchat with Jiseok and Jooyeon. As I said before, I'm pretty close with Jiseok and Jooyeon. I'm not really sure how we became close, but I'm guessing it's just from us constantly talking with each other when they're taking a break from practicing. We had even went out to a restaurant together after our schedules had finished.

"Nari." I then hear from the bedroom door. I set my phone down and sit up from my bed, then seeing Yuki at the door. "Remember to take your pills before bed."

"Does it look like I'm going to bed anytime soon?" I ask as I lay back down. Yuki sighs as she closes the doors, hee footsteps receding as she went back downstairs. I then picked my phone up again and there was a notification from Junhan. It was probably the video.

I tap on the notification and put my AirPods in before playing the video.

He cutely waves at the camera as soon as he started the video, him then walking backwards as he then takes a seat on a chair and takes his guitar from the stand. I then notice that Jiseok was in the background on his phone, laying upside down from his bed.

Junhan then starts playing his solo, his fingers moving smoothly agaisnt the fretboard as he quickly picked at them using his guitar pick.

The solo then ended. Junhan set his guitar back on the stand as he then stands up from the seat, going back over to his phone but before he could even grab it, he falls down. I burst out laughing as I see one of his hands staying up as he fell down.

Jiseok then looks at Junhan with wide eyes, him then laughing soon after.
"Keep that in the video, it'll make Nari laugh. Trust me."

"That's the first thing you say after seeing me trip on your guitar?" Junhan scoffs as he takes his phone off of whatever it was up agaisnt. Jiseok then jumps off of his bed.

"Is Snoopy ok?!"

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