Chapter 1074: It's Luo Feng!

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Under the control of his godly power, the black armor that was suspended in midair and the six, hovering lights made a turn and flew toward Luo Feng.

"An ordinary true treasure armor," said Luo Feng. "Six ordinary true treasures weapons—should be considered as a series. It has a value that is comparable to a senior true treasure weapon."

Luo Feng stored the true treasures and then summoned a World Ring to him from afar. This World Ring had fallen to the floor immediately after Flourishing Light Horde Leader was annihilated. Upon checking its contents, Luo Feng only found a dozen or more treasures and some other things. Their accumulated value was not even the value of an ordinary true treasure.

After killing Flourishing Light horde leader, Luo Feng gathered the loot from his victory. His human godly body was set ablaze to display his most powerful trump card and was hence greatly consumed. However, there was his Remote Ocean body to supplement whatever was lacking. Thus, he was able to maintain a pinnacle condition.


The moment Luo Feng spread his wings, he transformed into a beam of light and took off. His speed was neither too fast nor too slow; he maintained his flying speed near to the speed of light.

His surroundings were quiet. There was no movement, no traces. No one would be able to tell that a universe overlord had just annihilated been at that very spot just moments before.


The Northern Territory Alliance had an immensely large territory under its control, and within the starry sky where the Purple Smelting race lived in, there was a life planet that was dark red all over. The palace of Flourishing Light Horde Leader could be found on that planet.

The palace was not big, but it was considered to be one of the sacred grounds of the Purple Smelting race. The Purple Smelting race had a total of six existing universe overlords. Universe overlords were by far the strongest beings within the race, which was why the entire race was divided into six different territories, each managed and cultivated by these six universe overlords.

From within the palace, several disciples and servants bowed in worship as they watched a faraway figure approaching. It was the body that Flourishing Light Horde Leader had left behind before he made his way to the Original Star.

This body was weak. But it was, after all, Flourishing Light horde leader's consciousness, so it could still provide guidance to disciples and handle certain matters without a hitch.

"I—" Flourishing Light Horde Leader revealed a shocked expression.


Suddenly, he was annihilated and dissipated into thin air.


"Horde leader!"


Three disciples and a bunch of personal servants who were waiting in the distance were in great shock. The area surrounding this planet was in a sealed space, so even Flourishing Light Horde Leader could not teleport and leave the planet. So how did his body suddenly disappear?

"Don't worry, there must be some very important matters that needed Teacher's undivided attention, so he has retracted his godly consciousness. Then, of course, the body will disappear."

"Let's take a look at the tokens teacher gave us."

"Let's take a look at the tokens."

The three disciples immediately took out the tokens. The tokens were all parts of a collection of Flourishing Light Horde Leader's belongings. They were all items that had his life imprint. They were valuables that recognized their owners. Once these items were crushed, Flourishing Light Horde Leader would sense the urgency and go to his disciples' rescue.

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