"Close enough" Aang replied.

"Who wants five-flavor soup?" Hama asked, a never-ending smile on her lips.

They all raise their hands at her question. Hama placed the bowl full of soup in front of her, bending the liquid into each of their bowls with a flick of her fingers.

"You're a waterbender! Sokka and I have never met another waterbender from our tribe" Katara exclaimed excitedly. Mio's look of suspicion never vanished. Why did the old woman jump to conclusions and assume he was from the Southern Tribe? Or maybe she knew? He snapped himself out of his thoughts when he heard Hama call his name.

"I'm guessing you're wondering why I assumed you were from the South Pole... am I right?"

He nodded, giving her a blank and unreadable look.

"Well, I wasn't fully sure. It was more like a hunch. You are from the Southern Tribe, are you not?"

He nodded once more, earning a wide smile from Hama again.

But that same smile quickly faded to a frown. She looked like she was deep in thought, "I was stolen from my home. It was over 60 years ago when the raids started" She began her tale.

"They came again and again, each time, rounding up more of our waterbenders, and taking them captive. We did our best to hold them off, but our numbers dwindled as the raids continued. Finally, I too was captured. I was led away in chains. The last waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe. They put us in terrible prisons here in the Fire Nation. I was the only one who managed to escape" Hama finishes, looking over to see the group's expressions.

"How did you get away? And why did you stay in the Fire Nation?" Sokka asked, clearly interested to know more.

"I'm sorry. It's too painful to talk about anymore" Hama's voice was laced with sadness, voice cracking just slightly as if she were about to burst out in tears at any moment.

Katara stands up from her chair, placing a comforting hand on Hama's shoulder, "We completely understand. We lost our mother in a raid" She explained.

"Oh, you poor things" Hama weakly smiled, patting Katara's hand with her own wrinkly ones.

"I can't tell you what it means to meet you. It's an honor, you're a hero" Katara continues to comfort. "I never thought I'd meet another Southern waterbender" Hama leaned to the side to look at Mio, "Let alone two." After a while of comforting silence, Hama rose her voice, "I'd like to teach the two of you what I know, so you can carry on the Southern Tradition when I'm gone."

Katara and Mio both share a look with wide eyes. From a mere glance, anyone could see Hama really was eager to teach them what she knew. Katara instantly nods in approval, "Yes, yes of course! To learn about our heritage, it would mean everything to us" She exclaimed excitedly, earning a smile from Hama.


The next day, Hama took Katara and Mio out of town to begin their teaching. "Growing up at the South Pole, waterbenders are totally at home surrounded by snow and ice and seas. But, as you two probably noticed on your travels, that isn't the case wherever you go" Hama explains as the three of them start walking down a path.

"I know, when we were stranded in the desert, I felt like there was almost nothing I could do" Katara agrees. Mio assumed that time Katara was talking about was when he spent his time with Iroh and Zuko, getting their fake passports to enter Ba Sing Se.

"That's why you have to learn how to control water wherever it exists" Hama continues. "I've even used my own sweat for waterbending" Katara shrugs with a proud smile spreading across her lips. "That's very resourceful, Katara. You're thinking like a true master" Hama compliments.

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