Fractured desires: the dual struggle

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With each box I unpacked, I realized I was building a new life for myself, a life I deserved, away from the darkness of Taehyung's world he had kept hidden from me. While memories of our past lingered, I was resolute in my decision to carve my path and not let the pain define me.

In this new apartment, I would heal, grow, and chase my dreams without any constraints. With each passing day, I knew I would become stronger, just like the woman I aspired to be. The journey ahead might be uncertain, but I was ready to face it head-on, holding onto the hope of a brighter future.

After a few hours-

I took a deep breath, clutching the cakes and cookies I had bought as welcome gifts for my new neighbor. With a nervous excitement, I pressed the doorbell and waited. The door swung open, revealing a sight that momentarily stole my words. A man stood before me, his upper body half exposed, a striking vision of masculine allure. His well-toned abdomen seemed sculpted by the hands of an artist, each muscle defined with exquisite precision. The soft glow of his skin hinted at a life well-lived, and his dark brown eyes gleamed with sincerity.

In that moment, I couldn't help but notice the intricate artwork that adorned his left arm, a tapestry of tattoos that told a story only he knew. They covered his arm, creeping down to his wrist, a testament to his unique character and experiences. His height, an impressive 5'10", gave him a commanding presence, and his fair complexion held an air of elegance that contrasted beautifully with his casual self.

He stood there, tilting his head, his eyebrow raised in a quizzical manner. I cleared my throat and managed to stammer, "Hi, I'm your new neighbor Lee y/n. I just moved in today, and I wanted to... um, welcome you to the floor."

He blinked, seemingly taken aback, before a warm smile tugged at his lips. "Well, that's a warm welcome. Thanks," he replied, accepting the gifts. "I'm Hoseok, by the way. Nice to meet you."

I returned his smile, feeling a bit more at ease. "I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you too."

Just as I was about to make a polite exit, he asked, "You staying alone?"

I nodded, and he continued, "Mind if I give you a helping hand? Moving can be a mess, I understand. Only if you don't mind, of course."

I chuckled at his offer, feeling a little mischievous. "Sure, you can help. But how about you come in... with a shirt on?"

Hoseok laughed, a warm sound that eased the tension. "Fair enough. Let me grab a shirt."

A few moments later, he stood at my doorway, wearing a loose half-sleeve shirt. He stepped inside, glancing around my apartment that was still in disarray.

"Wow, you weren't kidding about the mess," he remarked, his tone teasing.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Hey, I've done a lot in the bedroom. You're just seeing the living room and kitchen."

Hoseok chuckled, shaking his head. "Alright, fair point. Let's start with the kitchen then. You at least deserve a place to make some food."

We worked together, unpacking boxes, organizing cabinets, and setting up the kitchen. Hoseok's presence made the task feel lighter, and his cooking skills were a bonus. As we put things in place, he looked around and raised an eyebrow asking me once again. "When did you shift? It looks like you haven't touched a single cardboard box and even after doing so much into the kitchen it feels like we're still left with a lot!"

I huffed, defending myself, "Hey, I did a lot in the bedroom. And for a single girl, that's already a major accomplishment."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Well, now you have some man force to help you out. Let's end here so you can at least have some decent meals."

THE UNKNOWN STALKER [KTH FF] Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora