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Time skips...(the next day)

"Taehyung!!" I shouted while waving my hand.

He turned around and passed me a smile. I grabbed jungkook's hand and dragged him towards Taehyung.

"I hope we aren't late." I said as he smiled and shook his head.

"No no. You are on time. It's still few minutes left for the boarding." He said

I noticed that he was staring at something so i followed his gaze and saw he was looking at our hands. I looked up and saw him smiling at me. I smiled back.

"Taehyung is it necessary for you to go?" Jungkook said

"Yeah! But don't worry whenever I'll be free, I'll call you both." He said

Jungkook went towards him and hugged him. I smiled looking at them. Then i noticed him mouthing 'I am happy for you both'. I mouthed back 'Thank you'.

They broke the hug and i saw Jungkook wipping his tears. Before they can say anything the flight got announced for boarding means it's time for Taehyung to go.

My smile fell and tears started rolling down my cheeks. He came towards me and hugged me softly.

"Don't cry. I'm glad that you thought about what i said. Don't ever feel low and negative about yourself. Always try to be understanding about your relationship. Hmm? Best of luck, Y/N. Stay happy." He whispered as i nodded and broke the hug.

He wipped my tears and smiled.

"I'll keep in touch with you." He said as i smiled sadly.

"I have to go now." He said and as he was about to go, i grabbed his sleeve.

"Please d-don't go. I'll miss y-you. I-i need you." I said as his eyes softened.

"I'm always with you. Whenever you miss me just close your eyes and I'll appear right infront of you. Just remember what I said and be happy. I promise that I'll call you whenever i would be free. Don't cry." He said while rubbing my back.

"Jungkook. Take care of her. I have to go otherwise I'll be late." He said as jungkook nodded.

He hugged me from side as i saw Taehyung going away. My tears were flowing uncontrollably. He turned around one last time and waved his hand before mouthing 'I'll miss you' and went away.

As soon as he went i hugged Jungkook really tight. He hugged me back while rubbing my back.

"It's okay. Let's go home. Hmm?" He said as i nodded.


We came back home. I told him to stay at my house as my parents are not here. We settled down on couch.

"Do you want something to eat? I'll coo-" he cut me off by saying.

"It's okay. You sit here and I'll cook something." He said as i nodded and lay my back on couch.

Today wasn't a good day for me. I don't know what type of emotion should I express. Whether i should be happy that finally i and Jungkook are together or sad that Taehyung left us.

I can't even imagine how much hurt he was that he had to leave this country. He suffered a lot even when it wasn't his fault. But still he never complained just suffered silently. He is a real angel. I got to learn so much from him.

I don't know much about his past life but I know this much that he loved a girl very much. But luck was not with him and the girl died in an accident when they were coming back from their date. And since then he considers himself responsible for her death. He lost faith in the word 'love'.

But then he found me and his faith started awakening again. He started loving me even when he didn't knew me. He loved me so much but i couldn't because I was already lost in jungkook's love.

He helped me to move on and somewhere it also helped him too but I ruined it too. The fate betrayed him twice but still he kept smiling even when he was broken inside, he didn't let anyone know that.

He kept his pain and suffer hidden behind his smile. And even now when he left he kept smiling just to encourage me. All i could do now is to pray for him. I don't want him to again lost faith in love. I want him to find his love of the life who will love him truly and heartedly.

God was very unfair to him, but now I want everything to be fair with him. He don't deserve all this. He deserves to be loved, to be happy, to live peacefully. He was there for me when i needed someone the most and when it's him who need someone i can't help him at all.

"Y/N!" My train of thought stopped when I heard jungkook shouting my name.

"What happened?" I asked

"Since long I was calling you from the kitchen, when you did not reply, I thought something would happen to you and after coming here I came to know that madam is deep in thought." He said sarcastically as i sighed and looked down.

His expression changed into a worried one when he didn't get any reply from me.

"What were you thinking?" He asked softly as he sat beside me.

"Nothing just about Taehyung." I said as he moved closer to me.

"Are you upset?" He asked as i nodded.

"You can share it with me. I'm listening." He said softly as i looked at him with tears in my eyes.

"I just don't understand why he always has to suffer? I never met someone as good as him but still every bad thing happen to him. It's not even his fault but still he's suffering. He's too sad and broken. The fate betrayed him twice but still he didn't complaint." I said as he nodded his head and wait for me to continue.

"You know he didn't even said anything about himself but just told me to give you a chance. Yeah because of him we are together now. He explained to me that you deserve one more chance, we both deserve one. He was very sad but still did not shed even a drop of tear because somewhere he also knew that if he cried then he won't be able to go. He never asked for anything but deep inside he was just craving for love, for someone to take care of him, for someone who would love him truly. I just wish that he would find someone perfect for him soon." I said and wipped the corner of my eyes.

"I wish the same. He's really a very nice person. Even after fighting this much he took care of me like his own little brother. He was the one who said 'everything will be fine' when I lost my hope. I almost gave up on you but he explained me that there's still a little hope in us. And when you told me that he's leaving, i was really shocked and sad but if he wants this and happy in this then we are no one to bother. We should just support his decision." He said as i nodded and hugged him.

"Anyways are you hungry? I cooked some ramen." He said as i nodded.

"Let's go and eat." He said and we went towards the dinning area.

To be continued.......

(A/N: The story is about to end😭. Just one or two parts left 🥺.)

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