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I came here at a place where some peoples were playing music and the rest were listening. I went there and sat at a empty bench. I was crying very hard. I didn't know what to do. So I called unnie and Jennie to come here because I know only they will understand and comfort me right now. I kept crying hard. It was getting hard for me to breath now.


"Y/N!! Where are you?"Jennie shouted looking for me.

"Y/N!!! Y/N!!!" Hyunjae shouted as well.

They found me and approached me. They came and sat beside me.

"Y/N! What happened? Why are you crying?" Jennie said while patting my head.

"Sshh!! Don't cry Y/N. Tell us what happened." Hyunjae said and side hugged me.

"I-i a-again g-got re-rejected." I somehow said as it was getting hard for me to speak cause of my continuous crying and sobbing and again started crying but this time more loudly.

Hyunjae and Jennie both looked at each other confused. We were embarrassed now because of my crying as we were in public place. But they didn't said or asked anything and hugged me tightly and let me calm first.

After sometime, i calmed down. I broke the hug and looked at them. And then i realise that I cried in public. They must be embarrassed because of me.

"I-i am s-sorry." I said

"For what?" Jennie said looking at me confused.

"Because i-i cried in p-public and because of me you guys g-got e-embarrasses." I said looking down at my lap.

"It's okay Y/N. It doesn't matter. The only thing that matter now is the reason behind of your crying." Hyunjae said in a worried tone and passed me a assuring smile.

"Yeah Y/N. Tell us what happened. Why were you crying?" Jennie said

"Actually he c-came back." I said still looking at my lap.

Jennie and Hyunjae both looked at each other confused.

"Huh!! Who came back? Please briefly tell us what happened." Hyunjae said

"J-jungkook came back from abroad. He came to my cafe and there we met. He asked me to talk to me as he wanted to say something. I said yes and went with him at a place beside river. And there he said sorry to me for what he did that day at airport. And i don't why i again confessed to him. But there was a little piece of hope in me that he would say yes this time but no i was wrong he said he still see me as his friend not more than that." I said as tears started rolling down my cheeks.

"That bast-rd!! How dare he? How can he do that you twice?" Jennie said as she gritted her teeth.

"Y/N! Don't cry. Actually he don't deserve your love. You should forget him now." Hyunjae said

"How unnie? How? Do you think i didn't tried. I tried unnie. I tried but failed. I dated 14 people only to forget him but i can't. I don't know what should I do now. And moreover he came to Seoul now. He would try to see me everyday. What should I do? How do I forget him?" I yelled in sadness.

Hyunjae hugged me tightly.

"Don't worry. We are always here for you. We will find a way to do that. You just have to put some effort in it. Okay?" Hyunjae said.

"Yeah Y/N. We are always here for you." Jennie said and joined the hug.

"Don't cry. And tell me whenever he come near you. We will together break his leg and show our girls power." Jennie said to lighten up the mood.

Three of us chuckled together.

"I love you both so much." I said

Hyunjae and Jennie "We also love you sooo....much."

"No i love you both more." I said and broke the hug.

Hyunjae and Jennie "No we love you more.!!"

"Nooo.. me!!" I whined

Hyunjae and Jennie "No!! us"

We started bickering until Hyunjae shouted.

"Okay!!okay!! We all love each other soooo....much. Fine?" Hyunjae said

Jennie and I nodded together and again did our group hug.

I am so lucky to have them in my life.

To be continued........

More Than Friends|| J.Jk ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat