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I was walking until i saw someone familiar. I looked closely to see who it was and it was...Y/N! What is she doing there at this hour?
I started to walk towards her. I slightly patted her shoulder to get her attention.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!" She flinched hard and screamed which made me scream as well.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" I screamed

As soon as I screamed she looked at me and wide her eyes.

"What the hell are you doing here at this hour?!" She asked

"That's what I was going to ask you! I wasn't able to sleep so i came for a small walk and i saw you so i came to see.. that's it!" I said

"Oh! Same here..I was also not asleep so i came for a walk!" She said and walked away.

" you mind if i join you?" I asked

"Only if you don't keep quiet." She said and i smiled internally before catching up with her.

We were walking peacefully and slowly i was feeling kind of sleepy but i didn't wanted to go back home leaving Y/N. I like being with her and apparently we haven't even talked to each other since yesterday night. I really wanted to talk to her and sort out things but i guess it's not a perfect time for it. I don't wanna ruin this peace and her mood which i guess is good rn.

I was not able to sleep. I was just thinking about what happened yesterday which i hate to think about. I promised myself that i won't think anything which is related to him but look i end up thinking about it. I knew that it won't be easy to just move on my 10 yrs one sided love like this but atleast i am trying which i guess is not working at all.

I decided to walk for while to get my sleep. I was walking until someone patted my shoulder. I flinched hard and screamed which might woke my neighbour but who cares. I thought there was a ghost because who else could be here at this time but as soon as I heard the other one's scream i looked up and saw... Jungkook!!. Oh so the ghost's name is Jungkook. I sighed in relief but what is he doing here at this hour?


I slowly felt my eye lids getting heavy. But i don't wanna go. I wanna spend some more time with Jungkook- wait what?!! Is this the way am I going to move on? Ohh God!! Y/N!! Don't do this!!. i can't do this. I won't break my promise which i made to myself.

"Umm.. Jungkook?" I said turning towards him.

"Yeah?" He said and also faced me.

"Actually i guess i am sleepy now. So, i will just go back to home." I almost whispered the last sentence because i don't wanna go.

"Y-yeah! i was about to say the same! Okay then bye. Goodnight and have a good sleep!" With that he left before i can say something. I was watching him until he disappeared from my sight.

Why i felt like that there was a hint of sadness in his voice when he said that? He really didn't want to go or am I overthinking? I must be thinking too much, why would he want that? Anyways let's go. I  have work tomorrow.

To be continued........

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