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Listen to this song before reading further.

Time skip...
I happily went towards the restaurant where i called my friends. I went inside the restaurant and saw that Jennie and unnie were already there. I went towards them and sat on one of the chair.

"What happened Y/N? Why did you call us so suddenly? Is everything okay?" Jennie said in a worried tone

"Yeah Y/N. Are you okay?" Hyunjae said

"Yeah yeah!! Aish..let me speak guys." I said

They looked at each other and then nodded.

"Do you guys remember that i went to XXXX Books company a few days ago with some of the calligraphy cards created by me?" I asked

"Yeah so what?" Jennie asked still confused.

"They liked my card and offer me a job!" I said in a excited tone

"OMG!! ARE YOU SERIOUS??!!!" Jennie shouted in excitement.

Everyone looked at us. Aishh!! This girl embarrassed us. I quickly pulled her by her hand as she sat on her chair.

"Yaah.. what are you doing? We are in public. Control your emotions." I said in a whispering tone.

"Okay okay.. sorry. You tell us what happened next." Jennie said

"You guys know what. The CEO of the company himself came to the park and told me to come office from tomorrow. I am so excited." I said in a excited tone.

"Really? Congratulations Y/N." Hyunjae said

"Thanks unnie." I said while smiling

"Yeah congratulations Y/N" Jennie said

"Thanks to you too" i said with a smile on my face

"Btw is he old or young?" Jennie asked out of nowhere

"Actually he is young." I said

"Is he handsome?" Jennie again asked

"Yeah he is but moreover that he is so understanding." I said

"Ohhh!!!" Hyunjae said in a teasing tone

"So how was your first impression on him?" Hyunjae asked

When she asked that i remember that how i was crying infront of him. My smile faded.

"Um-umm.. actually it was too b-bad." I said as I looked down at my lap.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" Jennie asked

I explained everything to them that how i was crying infront of him, why i was crying and all.

"But you know what. The best thing is that instead of embarassing me or anything he gave me advice. And then out of nowhere i asked him that can i hug him and he agreed. I hugged him for sometime and he didn't said anything which i kinda like it." I said with a little smile on my face.

To be continued.......

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