Chapter 251 - 260

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Chapter 251 The real hero

[Your Family member (Peter, Race: Wight) is getting hungry]

Seeing this message had brought back bad memories for Quinn. No longer did Quinn need to be fed. The only situation where he did was if he had been too injured. Needing a new energy source to power his regenerative abilities.

Quinn no longer got the exp shared message and he started to fear the worst. Him and Fex had been walking around in a circle like area and had covered almost half of the distance while walking around. IT seemed like luck wasn't on his side and he had chosen the wrong direction.

"Hey man, aren't we just walking in circles," Fex complained.

"The thing I see, I think it keeps moving," Quinn yelled back lying about the situation.

They were too far in, around one direction. If they were to turn around and head back it would only take longer. But with worry inside him for what was happening, he started to pick up the pace.


After the first attack on Peter, the beast stood there slightly confused not following up with a second attack. Using this opportunity, he quickly picked and shifted over and backed away from the creature. It didn't seem interested in following him, but this time, with the spears that were stuck inside it.

While doing this he chose to head in the opposite direction of Vorden and Layla. They were both using long-range skills, and it wouldn't be good if the beast got close to them.

When coming from the side of one of the buildings, the two of them had quickly assessed the situation. Seeing a humanoid creature they knew the others were in danger, and when they saw Peter trying to confront the thing, they didn't have much time to think and needed to act straight away.

"Layla go check up on Logan and see if there's anything you can do to help," Vorden said. "It looks like Logan is preparing something and right now, he's the strongest one here."

Vorden still had not gotten the chance to gather much abilities. If he were to gauge himself, he was at one of his weakest moments right now. Cia's support ability was at level 4 and Layla's telekinesis ability was at level 2. Using Raten he could power that up to level 6. Unfortunately, there was no way for him to get Peter's ability due to his cells being different.

HE could go up to Logan and it would be a huge power boost. He wouldn't know how to use their ability but at least he could combine his amount of MC cells into one. The problem with that was that it required Sil to help.

Without Quinn here, Sil seemed disinterested in the whole event, the only other time he would come out was the situation of the body being in danger. Looking at the creature in front of him, they would die before even finding out they were in danger.

Not only that, But Peter needed Vorden's help. Based on the last attack, he had only come out alive by the skin of his teeth.

"Vorden, we need to fight together no," Layla replied.

"This time, I'm not trying to be rude, but your attacks would do nothing, and would only get in the way. I'm afraid I'm only a little better than you in this situation. We need Logan." Vorden replied.

Gritting her teeth at hearing that she was weak once again, she ran off to the direction Logan was in.

"Do you need any help?" She asked.

[Energy weapon creation at fifty percent]

"I'm sorry but there isn't much, you or I can do, we just have to wait a little longer," Logan replied.

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