75| Smile like a fool.

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Lissy Romano

After two weeks in the clinic with Santino and Jax. Domenico finally said that we can go home. Vincenzo was busy with his work and so was Dante.

Domenico had to stay in the clinic because of some complications with other patients. And Davide was home with twins. So Giovanni was the one who was supposed to take us home.

"I think he forgot about us." I said as I was sitting in Santino's bed while petting Jax's little head

"No, sweetheart. He is just stuck in the traffic or something." Santino said as he put my hair behind my ear

"Do you mind if I go outside for a little bit before we leave? I just want to breathe fresh air." I asked as I looked at him

"I'm going with you then." he said and I smiled

Santino's bullet wounds were healed and he was able to walk. He was feeling a lot better than he was feeling two weeks ago.

I put Jax on the leash and we walked through clinic. As we got outside Jax was quick to sniff all the corners and flowers.

Not so long after that, we saw Giovanni's car. He parked it in front of us and he got out of the car with his cute little smile on his face.

He came up to me and picked me up like I didn't weigh anything. He hugged me tightly and then he said "Lissy, my pretty sunshine."

"Hey, Giovanni. I thought that you forgot to pick us up." I said and he put me on the ground

"Me? Forgot you? You are out of your cute, little mind, bubble." he said as he pinched my cheek

"I'm here too, you know." Santino said as he rolled his eyes

"Someone's jealous." Giovanni laughed as he hugged his little brother

"Mh, no. I'm not." Santino was quick to respond

"That's what we all say." I laughed and after that we all walked to our room to take our things

"I can carry it myself." I said, but Giovanni just didn't let me carry a single thing

"Whatever." I said as I rolled my eyes "Better for me." I added

"That's right, bubble." Giovanni said and I rolled my eyes again as I petted Jax

We walked to his car and he placed all of our things in his trunk. Santino was sitting in the front seat and I was in the backseat with Jax next to me.

"I'm going to take you both home and then I have to meet someone important." Giovanni said as he smiled and I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows

"Someone important?" I asked as I looked at his cute smile

He nodded his head and that smile didn't disappear. It grew even bigger.

"Santino, I think that Giovanni is in love with someone." I said as I tapped Santino's shoulder

"It looks like that. Who's that someone important?" Santino asked as he looked at Giovanni

Lissy RomanoWhere stories live. Discover now