63| I knew.

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Lissy Romano

I walked into the school, Matteo was holding my hand and Enzo was on the other side of me. Dario walked behind us, he was carrying my backpack.

We walked to my classroom and I saw Vi and Cole. They both were standing there, waiting for me. Their face expressions were full of joy when they saw me.

Matteo and Enzo walked to their classroom, but before leaving they said that I have to give them one call or a text and they will be right next to me in a split second.

I wasn't worried, because I have a bodyguard too. Dario is right behind me, so it's okay. Everything's okay. I hope so.

"Lissy, I'm so sorry for that stupid party...I didn't know that it will turn out like that." Vi said as she looked really guilty

"Don't be. It was my idea to try weed, I should have known better to stay away from drugs, alcohol and jerks." I said as I gave her a reassuring smile

"You can't go to the parties without me. If I would have been there, not a single fucker would have tried to mess with you." Cole said as he looked at us

Viola nodded her head and I smiled. "How was Mia's first date?" I asked him

"It turned out so great." Cole said as he smiled

"What happened?" Vi asked as she furrowed her eyebrows, I did the same

"The boy was a complete trash. Mia was smart enough to call me. She was so upset that the date didn't go as she planned so I took her to the amusement park. She forgot about him after five minutes of eating popcorn and cotton candy. It was a fabulous day." Cole said with big grin on his face

"I told you. She trusts you, Cole. You should trust her too." Vi said as she smiled and nodded her head

"He already trusts her. Just like my brothers...they trust me, but they just don't want me to get hurt or heartbroken, so they are trying to protect me from everything around me. Just like Harley is trying to protect you, Vi. Cole is just trying to protect Mia." I said as I smiled

"You are smart." Cole said as he gently clapped his hand on my shoulder

They both nodded their heads and Vi quickly said "I've missed you, girl."

"I missed you too. And thanks for sending me notes, I at least had something to study from." I said as I looked at both of them

While I was at home, trying to get my health back, Vi and Cole sent me notes from classes in our group chat. That was the only way I could keep up with the subjects.

After all the classes, we had a volleyball practice, Cole wanted to come to cheer us up, but he had to take Mia to her practice.. Dario sat there, quietly observing everything around us.

"Lissy, I'm glad that you are back. But we will have to work on the things you missed out after the practice." coach said as he smiled

"Okay, I will call my brother to tell him that." I said and he gave a small nod

I walked up to Dario and he looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. "What's up?" he asked as he looked at me concerned

Lissy RomanoWhere stories live. Discover now