59| Under the same roof.

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Lissy Romano

It was already late evening. I played with little Jax as he chewed his toy, it was so funny to look at it. I wanted to give him treats, but there were none left in my room. I left Jax in his puppy playpen and walked out of my room.

I closed the door and walked through hallway. I stopped when I saw Matteo, he was coming out of his room.

"Matteo..." I started, but he just walked past me, ignoring me like I wasn't even there

"You don't want to talk to me, I get it. You are mad, mad at me for doing stupid things. I already understood it. So why do you have to punish me for it too. I already punished myself for it." I said as I looked at him walking down the stairs

He didn't even look at me. He was completely ignoring me and I don't understand how he is able to ignore me like that...I would never be able to ignore someone I love for more than a week.

So I guess he doesn't really love me, does he?

"Why do you hate me so much? That didn't even have anything to do with you! I didn't do anything to you for fucks sake, Matteo!" I shouted at him

I hate that he ignores me, I hate it with all my heart.

He was already downstairs walking to kitchen. Why is he doing this to me?

"If you think that it didn't concern him you are so stupid, Lis." Enzo said as he stood behind me, I turned to face him

"But how exactly does that concern him? I didn't put him in danger, I put myself in danger. I wasn't even asking him for help." I said as I shook my head slightly

"You are stupid, Lis. He was worried. Like we all were. The feeling that something might have happened to you, the thought about you in danger...gosh, never mind, you won't understand it anyway." Enzo said as he walked past me

I stood there with my mouth agape. Did it really matter so much to them? Were they actually so worried about me or does it had to do something with big, bad and strong Romano brother image.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, that's were Jax's treats were placed. Matteo and Enzo were there too.

"I didn't do anything to you. If you were so worried about me then why didn't you just tell me that? It's fucking ridiculous, you are acting like I hurt you so badly...don't you remember how you treated me at first, when I got here? You only started to act normal towards me when you saw my bruises and heard about my fucking past. You know what? You don't want to talk to me, good, okay. Then we can ignore each other and just live under the same roof till I turn eighteen. And then I will leave this house forever." I said as I took the package of Jax's treats and walked away

The looks they gave me, they were shocked. Matteo even looked at me. Enzo's jaw even dropped.

I walked upstairs and when I was in my room and I slammed the door shut. I got to Jax and he was looking at me with his big eyes, waiting for treats, I gave him some.

Later. I opened my eyes in the middle of the night, Jax was peacefully sleeping in his puppy playpen. I was thirsty so I walked downstairs to grab a bottle of water. As I wanted to go to kitchen I heard some yelling in Vincenzo's office.

Lissy RomanoWhere stories live. Discover now