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Lissy Romano

I was sleeping in my bed, it was already morning. I blinked a few times and when I wanted to take my phone to see what time it is, someone knocked on my door.

"You can come in." I said sternly

I looked over at the door and Vincenzo came inside. He held Jax in his hands. When I looked at little Jax I understood how bad of a human being I am. I completely forgot about my puppy. The puppy I wanted so badly. I'm not okay...

"Jax, boy, I'm sorry I didn't take you earlier." I said as I wanted to take him

Vincenzo put him in my arms. And only then I saw how blood was covering my hoodie sleeve. Thankfully he didn't see it. I quickly hid my arm under the blanket.

"Lissy, what's up with you?" he asked as he sat next to me

I petted Jax's head, he licked my face and he yawned, he got in my lap and soon after that he was sound asleep. My little boy. I'm a terrible owner.

The thought of Jax sleeping somewhere else, alone in his playpen, in the darkness of the night...I felt so terrible. Tears started to fill my eyes. Everything was just too much.

"Lissy." Vincenzo's asked softly as he probably saw the state I was in

Tears fell down my cheeks and I angrily wiped them away. I was angry at myself for being weak. I'm not a crybaby. But somehow everything that has happened to me just makes me weak. It's like everything that has happened to me is finally coming out. I can't hold it inside of me anymore.

"Lissy, baby, why are you crying?" Vincenzo asked as he wiped my tears with his thumb

I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to be weak and to ask for help. I couldn't do it. He has helped me so much and I can't ask for anything else.

"Leave me alone." I said sternly as I looked up at him

It was easier to be mean than to cry for help in his arms. His face expression softened and he wanted to place his hand on my shoulder, but I pushed him away.

"I said leave me alone!" I said loudly and aggressively

He stood up, looked at me with pity and opened his mouth as he wanted to say something, but I interrupted him "Just please leave me alone...I can't take this anymore..." I murmured quietly the other part of the sentence

He didn't hear the other part, he looked at me and said "Just know that I'm here for you, if you need me." and then he left

I felt so bad about my attitude towards him. He didn't do anything to deserve this attitude. After he left my room, I stood up from my bed, gently placing Jax on the blanket. I rushed to my bathroom and pulled up the sleeve again. I took off the towel and it was wet with blood.

The cut was much deeper than I thought that it was yesterday. Skin around the cut was red and swollen. I placed my arm under the sink again. It wasn't bleeding that badly now.

I walked out of my bathroom and took another hoodie. I placed paper towels on the cut and pulled down the sleeve. I was tired, but I didn't know if that was because of the blood loss or the crying.

I don't want to go to school today. But I have to.

     Enzo Romano

"I don't know what to do." Vincenzo said as he sounded concerned

We were sitting in Vincenzo's office. He was concerned about Lissy. We all were concerned about her after what happened yesterday. She left the table, didn't eat anything and didn't even say goodbye to us.

"Why?" Dante asked curiously

"She's not okay. She needs help." Vincenzo said

"Do you think that something happened?" Domenico asked

"I don't know. She doesn't let me touch her. She has dark circles around her eyes and she was pale. She didn't eat anything yesterday and she cried in front of me without a reason." Vincenzo said as he sounded desperate

"She cries and there's a reason. She never cries just because she's bored." I said as I looked at Vincenzo

"She was at Viola's house yesterday. There was this boy named Cole. Maybe he did something?" Giovanni asked as he looked at us with fear in his eyes

"I don't know. Maybe something happened in school?" Santino asked in a worried manner

"But Dario was with her. What could have happened?" Vincenzo asked as he sounded confused

"Maybe Dario did something?" Matteo said as he looked ready to fight

"No, our people checked him four times. There's no way he would hurt her. I checked him myself. He was the best in his team, he did training in the Black Ghost." Vincenzo said as he nodded his head

Black Ghost=training place for the emotionally, physically and mentally stable men from the whole world, they have many tests to pass the Black Ghost exam. And the ones who pass their exams are the best soldiers in the world. They would never hurt a kid.

"But Dario wasn't with her in the lunchtime." I said as I remembered that when Matteo, me and our friends walked into the cafeteria, Lissy was only with Viola and Cole.

"Call Arthur. Get the camera footage and send it to me." Vincenzo commanded Dante and Santino

"I will check up on her." Matteo said and we all nodded

We all know that Santino is her favorite, but somehow we all know that she has strong bond with Matteo. Since the day Noah tried to assault her in our locker room we all see that she is feeling a lot better when she's around him. That day he held her in his lap to comfort her, and it worked. They bonded.

I hope that someday will come my turn and I will bond with her again, just like when she was little girl. She loved to be next to me while I played with my car toys. And I showed her every car and told her what color it was. It was a win win. I learned colors and she spent time with me.

She was little, and she probably doesn't remember it, but I remember it and when it will be the right time, I will tell her every good thing that we used to do together. She was my sweetheart and she still is. I remember the time when she was just a baby and she didn't stop crying. I walked to her room and I sat next to her crib. She stopped crying and held my finger with all her little, cute, tiny hand. That night I didn't quite get to sleep. I was only four years old, but I remember it like it happened yesterday.

But now I don't know how to talk to her. I don't know where to start. Should I talk to her or wait until she starts to talk to me? I usually know what to do, but not with her. I'm scared that we will never bond again.

But I will do everything to make her feel comfortable with me again. I want my little sister to trust me and I don't think that she trusts us. She spent her life only relying on herself...it's not easy to trust and rely on anyone else. She has been through so much and that left it's footprint on her. I hope that one day she will be able to live life without thinking about it all the time. I know that she will never forget that, but maybe she can heal her little, kind heart from that...

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