2| Start for something.

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Elizabeth Delgado

The feeling that washed over me when Jose told me that my father is dead, was relief.

That sounds horrible, but if only you could know what he did...you would be just as happy as I was.

Jose was my dad's friend's son, he is 23 years old. And as long as I can remember he has treated me well, he didn't know anything about my father and his behavior.

My dad Miguel Delgado was ruthless, a horrible man. He never told me what he was doing, but he was rich, he had money for everything. I think he did something illegal, because when I asked him what he was doing for living he changed the subject and told me to never ask again.

"Lissy, it's okay, to be sad." Jose said as he placed his hand on my shoulder to reassure me.

"I know." I said while I nodded my head.

I wasn't sad. I held myself together just fine, it only felt weird, because I couldn't believe that it was true.

As Jose was trying to be supportive he sat next to me and wrapped one of his arms around me.

"Lissy, we will think of something, don't worry." Jose said calmly.

I don't know where I will live or how I will continue to attend school, it is a private school, really expensive one.

Father wanted me to get good grades and to be educated. He never actually cared about anything else. He didn't care about my emotions or feelings. I always felt like a burden.

Jose got a phone call and he stood up and walked out of my room. I wasn't really in my curious mood so I just sat there and wondered about my future.

We will see...

The moment later Jose came inside my room and he looked confused, that was weird. Jose was always confident and calm.

"What's wrong?" I asked in worry as I made eye contact with him.

"Lissy, I know that's weird, but the child social services called my dad and he called me, they told him that they want to see you." Jose said while looking at me.

"I don't want to go to an orphanage, Jose." I said in fear.

I have heard what happens to kids who don't have anyone who cares. I don't want that to happen to me.

"I won't let that happen, but they were pretty strict when they said that you have to go there today." Jose stated as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Okay, let's go and see what they want from me." I said as I stood up.

"Take some clothes and important things in case they make you stay there. I will give you money." Jose stated, that was actually really smart.

He walked in front of me as we walked out of the mansion I was living in for all of my life. I didn't know that this was the last time I would see it.

We drove to that place, to meet child social service worker. I really didn't want to go in there, but Jose calmed me and told me to not worry. I hope that they won't ask any questions.

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