36| Please.

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Vincenzo Romano

I did what I had to...I threatened Lissy's coach. If he would ever even raise his voice at her...he's a dead man. She needs to be happy...I will make sure of it.

I walked out of the school with my brothers. We were standing next to our cars waiting for Lissy to come out. Time passed, she wasn't nowhere to be seen. I started to worry.

"Where is she?" Matteo asked tired after school, he wanted to sleep and eat...

"I don't know...I will call her." Domenico said as he took his phone out of his pocket

"She's probably just changing." Enzo said as he looked at his phone

"She isn't answering." Domenico said concerned

I had that weird feeling. When you know that something's wrong.

"We need to look for her. Go check every corner in this school. I have a weird feeling." I said as I looked at my brothers

We walked into different directions. I was walking around the school, maybe she is just breathing fresh air after the tryouts. But she wasn't there. I started to worry even more.

I walked back to the car in case maybe she's already there waiting for me, but she wasn't there either.

I was looking around and then I saw Dante, he was holding Lissy up. She could barely move her legs. Her hair was messy and she was crying.

My heart started to beat faster and my body tensed. I rushed closer to her and Dante looked at me with that look.

"What happened?" I asked as my voice sounded so confused...

"Take her to the car. I need to finish them off." Dante said as he practically placed Lissy in my arms and her backpack and then he turned to walk back into the school...he took out his gun...what the fuck happened...

Her body was tensed and her eyes were puffy, because of the crying. I've never seen her in such a bad state.

"Lissy, come here." I said as I tried to walk her to the car, but she flinched and slapped me across the face

What the fuck happened to her? This isn't her...she would never slap anyone, and especially me...

"Lissy. Stop. What happened to you?" I asked as I looked at her in shock, when she looked me in the eyes, she started to cry even more

"Lissy, tell me what happened." I said as I looked at her, I saw bruise on her face, someone hit her...and then I saw hand prints on her neck...someone choked her...fuck

"Who did this to you?" I asked as I pulled her chin up with my thumb and index finger to take a better look at the bruises on her neck

She didn't reply, she just blankly stared at me as tears rolled down her cheeks. What happened to my baby sister...???

"Baby, it's okay...it's fine...let's get you in the car...come with me now." I said as I gently took her arm

For surprise she didn't flinch away, she hugged me tightly and sobbed.

"Baby, it's okay now, I'm here." I said as I placed my hand on her head

Lissy RomanoWhere stories live. Discover now