41| Little girl.

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Dante Romano

"I think that she needs to stay home, school and everything else is just too exhausting for her." Paolo said as he looked at Vincenzo

"I will think about that." Vincenzo replied

I'm not going to lie...I would love for her to stay at home, to be safe and protected. But she needs to be around her friends, to be socialized.

"We need to ask her." Santino said as he held Jax in his lap

He looked funny. I don't understand how he had changed so much. He used to be angry, ruthless and rude. Now he is just a little sweetheart, holding a puppy in his arms and thinking about how to make Lissy happy.

I don't blame him. We all changed when Lissy came back. We are all worried to death about her well being. I am feeling like a fucking failure when I can't protect my little sister.

She has a soft spot in my heart...in my heart space is for Lissy and maybe for my brothers. But no one else.

Paolo left Vincenzo's office. He said that whatever Lissy will say about her past is confidential. I kinda understand why, but I'm worried about her.

Paolo said that he will tell us if that will be like super serious or about her safety and health. That's good.

Paolo left our house, his girlfriend had some serious problems...she didn't know which dress to wear for a party. Women...

It's not like I don't like women...I like them. But I just can't imagine myself being with one in that kind of relationship. I like to fuck them, yeah. They love it too.

But I can't imagine some woman being my girlfriend or wife...I would rather shoot myself in the head.

"Santino, go to Lissy's room and bring her to our house gym. Dante will teach her some self defense techniques." Vincenzo said strictly

"But she's tired, no?" Santino questioned as he furrowed his eyebrows

"Just do what he says." I said harshly

Santino left the office with Jax in his arms. I looked at Vincenzo, he looked nervous about something.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I sat on the chair in front of him

Twins, Giovanni, Davide and Domenico looked at me confused.

"About that school thing...maybe she really needs to be homeschooled?" Vincenzo asked nervously

I've never seen him like this...so nervous and confused.

"I think that she needs to attend school." I said as I stood up "I will teach her how to beat up some jerks." I added

"Okay." Vincenzo said as he stood up too "Domenico, Davide and Giovanni, you will come with me. We will go to nightclub...things got messy there." he added

"What exactly got messy?" I asked curiously

"Andrew beat up some guy, everyone saw it." Vincenzo said

"Why would he do that?" Matteo asked

"Some asshole slapped Ava's butt." Vincenzo replied as he clenched his jaw

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