40| So embarrassed.

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Lissy Romano

I tried to keep myself calm as my eyes were watering. I slowly raised my hands

"Please, don't." I said as I sobbed

He quickly stepped away. Then someone pulled me up. I was standing now. Only now I saw that it was the guard and not Miguel. I'm so stupid...

The guard seemed shocked, he stepped further away. The other guard just stared at me. I looked over my shoulder and Vincenzo was standing there.

His face full of regret and sadness. His eyes landed on guards.

"Leave. NOW." he commanded them, they quickly rushed away

My eyes were full of tears, little Jax whimpered while rubbing his little head against my legs. Vincenzo looked so concerned.

"Lissy, hush...it's okay. I'm here." Vincenzo said as he pulled me into his safe arms

He led me through garden and back into the house. Jax walked behind us. I saw my other brothers looking at me with confusion and concern.

Vincenzo led me to my room. I was now sitting in my bed, crying nonstop. He wrapped his arm around me as he sat next to me. He kissed my head and I remembered Miguel.

Fear rushed through my body. I was scared to death. He looked at me and his eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Lissy." Vincenzo said as he took his arm off of me

I was so embarrassed, he saw it all.

"Lissy, what did Miguel made you do?" Vincenzo asked as doors opened and all of my brothers came inside my room

I was scared and embarrassed. I can't tell him what Miguel made me do...I can't! They will look at me differently and they will blame me for not being strong enough to prevent it from happening.

Dante stood in the doorframe while twins sat in the sofa in front of me. Domenico sat next to me, Davide crouched in front of me and Giovanni with Santino stood in the middle of the room.

"Lissy, please talk to us." Vincenzo said as he looked at me

They looked at me with pity, sadness, anger...They were angry...at me...it's okay, I deserve it.

"What happened?" Dante asked confused

Vincenzo looked at me and then back at Dante. He sighed loudly and said "It looked like she was having a flashback."

"From what?" Dante asked angrily

"She wanted to go out of our property and one of our guards put his hand on her shoulder. She started to cry and...and..." Vincenzo just couldn't continue

"And what?" Domenico asked confused

Their eyes snapped at me and I couldn't help, but to cry nonstop.

"What happened?" Davide asked as he wanted to hold my hand, but I pulled it away

"What did he do?" Santino asked as he seemed to be ready to kill everyone

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