46| Snacks.

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Lissy Romano

"Yes, and she won't do it either, like ever in her life." Matteo spat out aggressively

"You wish." I said as I smiled at Matteo

Enzo furrowed his eyebrows at me and made a confused face expression.

"What?" Matteo asked as he looked into my eyes with his deadly stare

"She will have her first date sooner or later." Vi said as she smiled at my brothers

"No." Matteo replied as he looked at Viola, anger rushed through his face

"By the way one boy asked me on a date." I lied as I wanted to tease him, I like to see his face when he is stressing

I know that it's not good, but it's funny. Don't blame me.

"What?" Enzo asked as he practically jumped out of his seat

"His name?" Matteo asked as he clenched his fists

Viola and Cole looked at me in confusion, then it hit them. They understood the assignment. Vi smiled and said "Yeah, he's so cute too!"

I almost bursted out into laughter. But I managed to keep my face straight. I can do it.

"What the actual fuck, Viola? He's a guy, you are telling me that some guy is cute? Are you out of your mind?" Harley angrily asked as he turned Viola's chin so she would face him

She just rolled her eyes and didn't say anything to him. I couldn't help, but to see Ace's face. He looked so pissed off. But why? I didn't know. What's Ace's problem?

"Lissy, who was that guy?" Enzo asked curiously

He seemed quite annoyed, but I wanted to tease them for a little while longer.

"Why would I say anything to you?" I asked as I looked at twins

"Because if you don't...we will call Vincenzo and you don't want that. Do I have to remind you of 'No boys rule'?" Matteo asked as he practically danced in excitement, asshole

"Just relax, there was no boy and no date. Like chill out." I said as I rolled my eyes

"Sure. Do I look like an idiot to you?" Matteo asked as he looked at me with disbelief

I slowly nodded my head and his face expression completely changed. He was hurt.

"No, you don't." I said as I looked into his eyes, I didn't mean to make him sad

He looked at me, he didn't look upset anymore. He was just trying to focus on whether or not I'm telling the truth.

"Is it true?" Enzo asked as he looked at Vi

"Yeah." Vi replied as she took a water bottle in her hand, she was tired of their protective behavior

They finally believed us. Cole was still sitting there looking at his phone. I can't even imagine how weird and stressful that must've been to sit there with us and our brothers and their crazy friends.

Lissy RomanoWhere stories live. Discover now