20| Never loses.

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Lissy Romano

They said their goodbye's and left. Only Dante looked at me with his disappointed face expression and didn't tell me bye. That hurt, but I understand him. He didn't choose to have me as his sister.

They got into their cars and then they speeded away with their black, expensive cars. I was standing in the doorframe, looking how my brothers drove away. I know that they didn't leave me, but I'm just afraid that they will never return...

"Come on, Lissy, let's go back inside." Giovanni said as he put his arm around me gently

"They will come back, right?" I asked as I looked at night sky, so many stars...

"Lissy, of course they will come back." Giovanni said as he petted my head

"Okay..." I murmured as I looked up at the sky

"You like stars?" Giovanni asked as he looked up too

"Yes. I used to look up at night sky and count as many stars as I could when I was little..." I said as I still kept looking up

"I will talk with Vincenzo, maybe we can buy you a telescope." Giovanni said as he looked at me

I looked at him and smiled.

"Come on now, let's go inside." Giovanni said as he gently pulled me inside

We walked back to living room. Enzo was sitting there with phone in his hand. He is addicted to that phone...

"You want to watch something or you want to get ready for bed?" Giovanni asked as he switched from cool middle brother to his big brother mode

"I want to stay here, with you. Is that okay?" I asked as I looked at Giovanni, right at that moment Matteo walked inside the living room

He sighed and I could practically hear him rolling his eyes at me. What is his problem. He is a little copy paste of Dante...

"Yes, I would love to stay here with you, Lissy." Giovanni said as we both sat down on the couch next to Enzo

Matteo turned around and walked out of the living room. He doesn't want to be in the same room where I'm in...that is terrible. This is his home...

"What you want to watch?" Giovanni asked as he handed me the remote

I didn't take it. I pushed Giovanni's hand away and I stood up.

"Where are you going, Lissy?" Giovanni asked, Enzo looked up from his phone and he stared at me

"I will go to my room. Maybe then Matteo will come back...I don't want to be the reason he can't chill in his living room." I said as I started to walk away

"Lissy. This is your living room too. This is your house just as much as it is Matteo's." Giovanni said

"It isn't because of that, Lissy." Enzo said as he looked at me with face expression I couldn't read

"I will just go to my room. Where did Domenico left painkillers?" I asked as I was starting to feel dull pain again

"It's not the time yet. You can't take too many." Giovanni said as he looked at me with pity

Lissy RomanoWhere stories live. Discover now