30| What happened.

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Lissy Romano

I ran back into the girls locker-room. Tears filled my eyes. First day here and everyone already thinks that I'm some stupid, little girl.

I don't understand why Matteo and Enzo made such a big deal out of this, but it's fucking ridiculous.

"Lissy, you okay?" Viola asked as she came into the locker-room

"I fucking hate him." I said angrily as I placed water bottle next to me

"I know. But he's your brother. He will always be your brother. He was worried..." Viola said as she sat next to me

"Worried? Then why didn't he wait me outside the classroom? Why didn't he call or at least send me a message?" I asked as I placed my head in my hands

"I don't know what was the reason...but it seemed like they just had a practice. Their coach is a jerk, Harley hates him. He doesn't let them look at their phones or walk away till he says." Viola said

"Well...that makes sense. I will check my phone." I said as I took my phone out of the locker

Fuck. My brothers. All of them have called and texted me...

Where are you, Lissy? Is everything okay?? -Davide 5 missed calls

Lissy, call me. Immediately. -Vincenzo 7 missed calls

Why the fuck do you have a phone if you turn it off??? -Dante 3 missed calls

Lissy, please call me...I love you. -Santino 4 missed calls

Lissy. Turn on your phone. We are worried. -Domenico 3 missed calls

Are you okay? We will have a serious talk about this. -Giovanni 4 missed calls

Lissy, where are you? We can't find you. -Enzo 5 missed calls

Lissy. I had a practice. I'm worried. Please call me. Or text me. Or...I don't know just please don't ignore me. Are you okay? Where are you? Lissy...-Matteo 10 missed calls

Is he for real. He told our brothers? What is wrong with him?? I won't let this slide. I grabbed my backpack and I put in my clothes and phone.

"Where are you going??" Viola asked as I angrily stood up

"I will kill him." I said as I stormed out of the locker-room

I rushed to football player locker-room and without thinking or knocking I stormed inside. Dumb idea, now I know that...

I didn't see my brothers or their friends. Fuck. Three guys looked at me with their shocked face expressions. One of them, with messy hair and sweat over his face, stood up and walked closer to me. As I saw that my brothers weren't here I wanted to walk away, but the guy who walked closer to me closed the door and placed his hand next to me, he was blocking the entrance with his hand.

The other guys were just glaring at me and smiling. Are they dumb? Yes, they are.

"You look hot." the guy said as he practically was right in front of me, I hate this feeling

Lissy RomanoWhere stories live. Discover now