3| Just Lissy.

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Lissy Romano

I was looking at the folder in my hand when the doors opened. The man in his 30's with sharp jawline and black suit came inside.

"I'm here to pick up Elizabeth." the man said as he gave me some weird stare

"Yes, of course. Elizabeth, go take your stuff and come right back." the worker said

"I'm not supposed to leave Elizabeth by herself." the man said as he looked at the worker

What is he talking about? Is he for real?

"Yes, you're right. I will be right back, I will bring Elizabeth's things here." the worker said as he stood up

The worker looked terrified. There's something going on. Why would he listen to the man he just met. By the fact, who's even listening to a complete stranger?

The worker left me and my brother's friend in the office. He came up to me, I didn't like this.

"What's wrong?" his friend asked me with deep voice as he looked at me

"What do you mean?" I asked confused, what is he even talking about

"It looks like you have something on your mind. Your eldest brother Vincenzo sent me. I will take you to Italy. Don't do anything stupid." he said as he looked into my eyes

"I won't do anything stupid. Just call me Lissy, not Elizabeth." I said as I tried to make eye contact with him

But what he didn't know was that I just actually thought about how to run away from him. Is he reading my thoughts?

"Who even are you?" I asked in worry

"I'm your your brother's friend. I'm here to make sure you get home safely." he said as he looked at me weirdly

"I don't need a guard. I can take care of myself. What's your name again?" I asked as I looked at him

"Marco." he spat out as he looked over at the door when the worker came inside

He was holding my bag in his hand. Hopefully he didn't lose anything.

"I put everything in it. Elizabeth, are you ready to go?" he asked me

"Yes, I mean do I have a choice?" I asked while looking at the worker

Marco took my bag out of the worker's hand and he looked at him with a deadly stare. The worker looked scared as fuck.

"Elizabeth, do as he says. You need to leave." the worker said as he sat back into his chair

Marco wanted to take my arm to lead me outside of the building, but I refused. He looked at me weirdly, yet he didn't even want to make eye contact with me. He was in his own freaking world.

He led me to his car and we got inside. He was quiet and he didn't even say a word till we got to the airport.

"Get out of the car." Marco said as he turned the car's engine off

I didn't reply, I just did what he told me to do, I got out and I walked in front of him to the private jet. We got inside and I sat down. It was so comfortable in there. Marco had a phone call, in Italian so I didn't understand a single word he said.

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