One big lie

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"Alya, wake up! We're going to be late!"
"Alright Hermione, chill out I'm getting up!" Alya mumbled. She got up, took a shower and brushed her teeth, before getting dressed. She wore a short, black laced crop top with a black pleated skirt. She brushed her long, black, silky hair that had beautiful dark blue tints in it. She put on a small amount of mascara and lip gloss. Alya threw her new books into her trunk, she'd been to buy them yesterday at Diagon alley and wanted to have a flick through them before she had to leave. She then went downstairs, to find their parents sitting at the dining room table in the kitchen.

Their father, Nicholas Granger was reading a muggle newspaper while sipping his coffee. Their mother, Jean Granger, was making pancakes. "You look nice dear, are you ready for your first day at Hogwarts?" Said Jean.

 "I still don't see why I have to go there, I'll be the only new kid and I won't have any friends!" Replied Alya. "I was perfectly happy at my school."

"That's not true and you know it," replied Jean, earning a small sigh from Alya. 

"I told you, you can join me and my friends! I know they'd love to be your friend" said Hermione. "You'll be in Gryffindor anyway, so you might as well," 

 "Thanks Hermione, but I don't want to be seen a tag along. I want my own friends but it's just hard to make them. And what if I'm not put in Gryffindor, like you? Then I'll be on my own!" worried Alya.

"You'll be fine my dear, you'll make lots of friends I'm sure of it" said their dad. They finished their breakfast, packed the trunks into the car and set off for the train station.

When they arrived at King's Cross station, Nicholas stood with Alya and Hermione and said, "Before we go into the station, your mum and I have something to tell you both. We're sorry it's taken us so long and it's probably not good timing, but we feel that you need to know before going off to Hogwarts. Alya, when you were 6 years old, Jean and I... Well,  we actually adopted you. We're not your real parents sweetie, I'm so sorry"

"WHAT!?" Shouted Hermione and Alya at the same time. "Are you serious?! How could you not tell us sooner?! So Hermione is not my real twin? And you're not my real mum and dad? I can't believe this" shouted Alya. "So my whole life is just one big lie? I've always wondered where I got my hair from, with you guys having really light hair! Wait, so...who are my real parents then?"

"Actually that's why you're going to Hogwarts this year. Your dad is a teacher there and he wants to meet you. I know you have so many questions but I'm afraid we don't have time to explain it to you. Your dad will tell you the story when you find him, I'm sure of it. Quickly now, the train will be leaving in 10 minutes!" Said Jean.

The four of them made their way onto platform 9 3/4, and Hermione & Alya started to say goodbye to their parents. "Please don't be angry with us girlies, we had a good reason and I'm sure you'll find out soon enough what that was. This doesn't change anything Alya, we will always love you like our own. We promise" said Nicholas.

 "I just need some time. I'll send you a letter soon, love you both." Said Alya, and she got on the train without another word. Hermione followed shortly after, and they made their way through the train.

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