Draco's Secret

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The next morning, Alya and Draco woke up and went down to breakfast. Their other friends were already sitting at their table in the Great Hall and Mattheo was staring at Alya as soon as she walked in.

"Hey, love," he smiled.

"Hey, guys," smiled Alya. "We all feeling better today?"

"Loads better," said Theo.

"I am now," said Mattheo, smirking at Alya. The others nodded.

They all ate their breakfast and spoke amongst themselves for a few minutes, before heading off to their first lesson, which was Divination. There were a few gasps and stares as usual as Alya and her friends walked in the classroom, mostly from the girls.

"What's everyone staring at?" asked Pansy. Everyone looked down.

"No but seriously, do I look extra pretty today or something? Why's everyone staring," laughed Alya.

"Always, love," smiled Fred.

"Oh shush, you," she giggled, sitting next to him. She pretended not to notice Mattheo glaring at him from the other side of the room.

"How are you today?" he asked.

"I'm good thank you, did you enjoy the party?" said Alya.

"Of course I did, some parts more than others," he smirked.

"Oh, I'd forgotten about that," laughed Alya.

"Wait, really?" said Fred, looking disappointed.

"No of course not, I'm only joking," laughed Alya, nudging his arms gently. He sighed with relief and smirked at her. "It's just a shame we were interrupted," Alya continued.

"Y-yeah... shame," blushed Fred. Alya giggled, as Trelawney walked into the classroom and started the lesson.

"By the way, Alya, my mum's invited Hermione to stay at our house over Christmas," said Fred. "And, well... she said that she's extended the invitation to you, too. She loves Hermione and she said she'd like to get to know you too, so she's asked if you want to come and spend Christmas with us too,"

George turned around in his seat and smirked at Fred, chuckling to himself before turning back around.

"I'd love that Freddie, please tell your mum I said thank you," smiled Alya.

"Great, um... yeah I-I'll tell her," he smiled, excitedly.

"Is that okay with you, George?" askd Alya.

"Of course it is," he smiled.

"Aw, this is going to be so fun!" said Alya. They carried on with the lesson and spoke to each other until the lesson ended. Alya said goodbye to Fred and George and went over to her friends.

They all walked to the Great Hall for their lunch. When they got there, they sat down at their table and started to eat, as Dumbledore came up to the table.

"Good afternoon, students," Dumbledore said to them.

"Hello, professor," they all said.

"I was wondering if I could have a quick word with you all regarding the incident that happened yesterday with Mr Finch-Fletchley?" said Dumbledore.

"Yes of course, professor," said Alya.

"Could you explain to me exactly what happened, please?" he said. Alya explained what Justin did and that Mattheo dragged him off of her, and then the other boys joined in on attacking him. She explained that they were protecting her, but Dumbledore interrupted.

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