The Concussion

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A few hours later, Alya opened her eyes to see Fred and George sitting in the chairs next to the bed. George was holding her hand and Fred was stroking her hair. She looked up at them and smiled.

"What are you guys doing here?" asked Alya.

"Oh, love, you're awake!" exclaimed Fred.

"Hi gorgeous," smiled George. "Sleep well?"

"Ally!" exclaimed Hermione, running over and hugging her. "Are you okay?"

"I'm so glad you're okay," said Ginny, hugging her.

"I'm okay," smiled Alya. "How did you guys know I was here?"

"Tom came and told us at breakfast," said Fred. "We were all really worried, so we came straight here,"

"Guys, you're supposed to be at the shop!" said Alya.

"You're more important than the shop, Ally," said George. "I couldn't possibly go there knowing you were in the hospital, knowing what happened last night,"

"You should've woken us last night," said Fred.

"No," said Alya. "There was too much going on, too many people were involved. You guys didn't need to be here stressing and worrying too, there was no need,"

"It's okay," said George. "At least you're okay,"

Alya smiled at him and looked down at Draco. He was still laying in the same position and hadn't moved an inch. She kissed his forehead and looked around the room.

"Where is everyone?" she asked, as she noticed all of the beds empty other than Enzo's, who was still asleep next to Star.

"They went to their dorms," said Hermione. "To shower and change and stuff I guess, I heard you all went swimming in the lake last night,"

"Oh god, yeah we did," laughed Alya. "Except for Tom and Dray, little germaphobes,"

Ron and Harry walked into the hospital wing carrying a large, wicker basket. They walked over to Alya and smiled at her.

"Hey, Ally," smiled Ron.

"Hello," smiled Harry. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay thank you," smiled Alya.

"We brought you guys sort of like a picnic," said Ron. "When we heard you were in here my first thought was that you wouldn't make it to breakfast. I've had the food in here before, it's rotten,"

"Thanks ever so much, Mr Weasley," scoffed Madam Pomfrey, whom Ron didn't notice standing right behind him.

"Oops," chuckled Ron. "Anyway, there's loads of stuff in here for all of you,"

"You're so sweet, Ron," smiled Alya. "Thank you,"

"How's Malfoy?" asked Harry.

Alya looked up at Madam Pomfrey, who had begun doing another exam on him.

"His breathing is better," said Pomfrey. "It shouldn't be long now,"

"Thank god," sighed Alya.

"What the hell?" muttered Enzo. "Oh, it's you,"

"You okay, Zo?" asked Alya.

"I just woke up wondering why there was a female's hair all over me," chuckled Enzo. "Then I realised it's only Star,"

"For god sake," chuckled Alya. "How are you feeling?"

"A bit better," said Enzo, sitting up. "You?"

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