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The next morning, Alya and the twins woke up in a very good mood. They got up and got dressed, before going downstairs to eat their breakfast. When they were done, they all said goodbye to Molly while they each gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you so much for having me stay here, Molly," smiled Alya, as she pulled Molly in for a hug. "It's been the best Christmas ever,"

"Thank you for coming," smiled Molly. "You're always welcome here from now on,"

"Thank you so much!" said Alya. "See you soon,"

They all left the Burrow and went out to the blue Ford Anglia car.

"Ally, you can sit on my lap this time," said George. "Fred, you can go in the front,"

"Fine," sighed Fred, rolling his eyes at George.

George smirked at Alya and got in the car. She climbed on top of him and pulled their seatbelt around them. George snuck a kiss on her lips as she did this, which made Alya giggle at him.

"I love you, my darling," whispered George, letting his hands fall to her waist and squeeze her gently.

"I love you more, Georgie," whispered Alya.

George wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back into him so that she was leaning on him. Alya actually really loved this, and rested her head back into his shoulder. He kissed her on her head and smiled to himself as they made Arthur drove them to the station.

When they got there, they all said goodbye to Arthur and walked inside with their trunks. Draco, Mattheo, Tom and the other slytherins were waiting for Alya at the barrier of platform 9 ¾. Alya ran up to them and gave them each a hug and a kiss on the cheek as soon as she saw them. They went through to the platform together and decided to all sit in a carriage together again.

"How is everyone?" asked Alya, looking around at all her friends. "How was Star this morning?"

"She was asking for you," smiled Mattheo, putting his arm around her. "She's okay though, Narcissa took her to school just before we left,"

"Oh bless her," smiled Alya. "I'm going to miss her!"

"Me too," smiled Tom.

"Me too," said Theo. "But I'm excited to be going back to school, to be honest,"

"Why?" laughed Draco.

"It's just fun, isn't it," said Theo. "I like it there,"

"I prefer being at home with my girl," said Mattheo.

"Our girl," said Draco.

"What the hell?" said Ron.

"I think you'll find, she's ours," chuckled George.

"Actually, she's mine," said Tom.

"I'm all of yours, shut up," laughed Alya.

"This is weird," said Harry.

"You're weird," said Draco.

"Shove off, Malfoy," said Harry.

"Oh shut up, you two," laughed Alya. "Oh, also, last night when I got to the Burrow, a bunch of reporters turned up and tries to ask me questions about Voldemort,"

"You what?" said Tom and Mattheo at the same time.

"Yeah, they literally barged in and started taking pictures of everyone," said Ginny. "I wouldn't be surprised if the pictures are in the prophet today,"

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