The Memories

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A week later, Alya's concussion was finally gone. She and Draco had been out of lessons all week, just to ensure their safety. Enzo had gone back to his lessons on Tuesday, as he was feeling much better and he had nothing really wrong with him. Draco had moved into a bed closer to Alya, and they'd spent a lot of time alone together whilst their friends were in lessons and having meals. They'd grown a lot closer in the week, and they were both hoping to be let out of the hospital wing that day. It was Saturday morning, so they had no lessons as it was the weekend. Alya woke up and sat up in her bed, reaching over for the cup of water that was sitting on the counter next to her. Draco woke up and did exactly the same thing, causing them to laugh softly at each other before taking a sip.

"Good morning," smiled Draco.

"Morning, Dray," smiled Alya.

"How's your head?" asked Draco.

"Loads better," smiled Alya. "I can test it to see if my power is back in a bit,"

"Do it, I can't wait to see," chuckled Draco. "From the stories you and the others have told me, it sounds so cool,"

"It is quite cool," chuckled Alya. "I'll have to get Madam Pomfrey's permission first though,"

"I guess so," said Draco. "I hope it is back,"

"Me too," smiled Alya. "How are you feeling?"

"So much better," said Draco. "I feel perfectly fine now, apart from my memories are still gone,"

"I'm glad you're feeling better," smiled Alya. "Hopefully we can bring your memories back as soon as possible,"

"I hope so," smiled Draco.

They stared at each other for a few seconds, smiling, before Alya quickly looked away. She looked around the room at the other people that were in there, before looking out the window at the sunrise. She smiled as she watched it, and didn't notice that Draco was still staring at her. He couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked. How captivating her smile was. How her eyes glistened in the sunlight and how her freckles looked more prominent in the sun. a smile crept across his face as he watched her.

"Wow," he muttered under his breath.

"Did you say something?" she asked, turning to look at him.

"Uh... no," said Draco, quickly looking away.

Alya smiled at him and looked back out the window, as all of their friends came into the hospital wing. She'd convinced Fred and George to go to the shop that weekend, as they didn't go last time so they were the only ones not there. Ron was carrying the wicker basket, as he did every day, and walked over to them placing it on Alya's bed. Everyone gave Alya a hug and said hello to the two of them before taking the chairs around the beds. Alya and Draco ate their breakfast whilst talking to their friends, and once they were finished, Madam Pomfrey came over to do a check on them both.

Madam Pomfrey concluded her checks by telling Draco that he was well enough to be discharged, he just wasn't allowed to play quidditch for another week and he had to take it easy. Alya was given a pair of crutches for her ankle and was also told that she could be discharged, as long as she, too, took it easy. She also got the go ahead to try and use her powers again. Everyone cheered when Madam Pomfrey said this, and Mattheo picked Alya up out of bed and squeezed her tight.

"Matty, I can't breathe," chuckled Alya.

"Sorry, love," laughed Mattheo. "I'm just so happy,"

"Me too," smiled Alya. "Let's get the fuck out of here, I can't stand to spend another minute in here. No offence, Madam Pomfrey. Thank you for everything,"

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